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well at least for me. As you know, candles have become my new obsession and I have been studying and sourcing supplies for months. RavenSong is so close to launching our new Soy wax candle collection and fierce testing will commence.
Yesterday I received my box of fragrances from @villagecraftcandle and I am beyond excited. As a side note, I must say, I showed great restraint while ordering as I could have ordered every single fragrance they offered - but here is my selection. These are from their soy candle fragrance line and specifically formulated for soy.
Let testing commence
#ravensongsoapandcandle #candletesting #soycandles #ravensongsoycandles #makersgottamake #villagecraftcandles #candlefragrance #soycandlefragrance #christmascomesearly