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St. Benedict, father of Western monasticism, pray for us!⠀
Friends, I invite you to discover the incredible life of St. Benedict, the "cave-dwelling kid" who changed the course of western civilization:⠀
Many would argue that St. Benedict, the Monk, contributed more to saving western Christian culture than anyone else.⠀
Born just after Rome fell, Benedict founded the religious community that would, in time, preserve the best of the old and allow for the emergence of an authentic, Christian way of life.⠀
Swipe up in my story today to learn more about this great saint! ⠀
#StBenedict #Catholic #priest #diocese #catholique #bishop #roman_catholic #catholichurch #catholics #catholiclife #catholicfamily #catholico #catholicism #catholicfaith #catholica #catholicu #catholic_church #catholicquotes #romancatholicchurch #catholicworld #romancatholic #catholicartist #catholiccreatives #Wordonfire #Bishopbarron #Bishopsdailychallenge ⠀
#wordonfire #wordonfirecatholicministries #wordonfireinstitute #wordonfiremovement
Friends, today I was pleased to receive a visit from David Dry, a young convert to Catholicism from our Santa Barbara area, who is about to enter the Dominican novitiate in Cincinnati. I was honored to bless the rosary he will eventually wear on his habit. You’ll notice St Thomas Aquinas gazing on approvingly. Please pray for him and all young people discerning religious life!
#Catholic #priest #diocese #catholique #bishop #roman_catholic #catholichurch #catholics #catholiclife #catholicfamily #catholico #catholicism #catholicfaith #catholica #catholicu #catholic_church #catholicquotes #romancatholicchurch #catholicworld #romancatholic #catholicartist #catholiccreatives #Wordonfire #Bishopbarron
Jesus, I trust in You. .
This message has centered itself at the forefront of our family life. To let go of the material possessions and distractions which prevent us from growing in relationship with Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church. As a gardener pruning back the dead buds and rotting leaves from growing fruits, so too must we consciously eradicate all obstacles to our relationship with God. .
Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus, I trust in You.
#Catholicchurch #Catholicism #JesusitrustinYou #DivineMercy #Catholics #Catholicfamily #DivineMercyChaplet #Rosary #ChristianPrayer #InstaCatholic #Catolicos #Catholicconnect #catholicart #Catholiclife #Catholicprayer #Catholicyoutube #Catholicyoutuber #Catholicsaint #ProudCatholic #Catholicconvert #catholique #catholicfaith @dailydivinemercy #divinemercychaplet #catholique
My WOF family is quickly becoming a mighty nation! This weekend was an opportunity for many of the WOF families to gather together for fun and celebration. It is a joy to watch the Word on Fire family grow and such a privilege to work each day with a team singularly dedicated to the Church's evangelization mission. .
#wordonfirefamily #wordonfire #wof #Catholic #priest #diocese #catholique #bishop #roman_catholic #catholichurch #catholics #catholiclife #catholicfamily #catholico #catholicism #catholicfaith #catholica #catholic_church #catholicquotes #romancatholicchurch #catholicworld #romancatholic #catholicartist #catholiccreatives #Bishopbarron
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I’ve started up a YouTube channel that will tie into what I’ve been posting here on Instagram. For now it’ll just be me in front of the camera, talking about the spiritual journey that I’m on and that we all share. And don’t worry, nothing will change here on Instagram. I’ll be posting here as before and will have the YouTube videos as an additional thing. The link to the channel is on my Instagram bio page. .
If you go over to it please subscribe if you like it, leave a like on the video and also comment over there, letting me know your thoughts. Starting something new is always tough, so your support means the world to me. .
Keep fighting, keep the Faith and God Love you! .
#Catholic #Spiritualjourney #myspiritualpath #Catholics #Catholicism #Catholics #spreadtheGospel #evangelize #proudCatholic #Catolico #Catolica #Catolicos #Katolik #Cattolica #Catholique #RomanCatholic #Godlymen #CatholicFaith #CatholicChurch #BlessedMother #VirginMary #HolyMary #MotherofGod #SacredHeart #SacredHeartofJesus #JesusChrist #Christ
Saint Therese of Lisieux, Pray For Us #catholic #catholique #maronite #maronitecatholic #catholicsaints #saintsquotes #stthereseoflisieux #sttherese #stthereseofthechildjesus #sainttherese #saintthereseoflisieux #saintthereseofthechildjesus #saintetheresedelisieux #sttheresedelisieux #charbelandfriends