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Our constant prayer is to empty out ourselves in order for God to fill us with His spirit. •
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Our final Golden Bulldog recipient of the year, voted on by her fellow peers, is Kendall Cuttrell ‼️
“It has been a joy to team up with Kendall over the last 3 years! She has been an invaluable asset to our office and can wait to see what she does in the future. She is hard-working, fun, takes initiative, and loves Union! We will miss her so much and proud of who she has become.” (@baybell93)
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A Godly wife has Godly habits every day, not just sometimes.
It can be challenging at times, trying to make sure your actions are aligned with your beliefs.
Join us today or tomorrow for our free Lasting Marriage Master Class.
I’ll be teaching 4 different sessions, so that you can choose the one that best fits your schedule.
Sign up with the link in our bio, and I’ll see you in class!
For more marriage tips follow @liveyourbestmarriage .
“It only takes 2 to get married, but it takes 3 to make a covenant unbreakable.” -
- From our book, “12 Prayers for My Marriage”
Putting God at the center is the most powerful way to make your marriage strong.
Use the link in our bio to get your copy, and you’ll also receive 2 free bonus ebooks.
For more marriage tips follow @liveyourbestmarriage
I didn’t have a cool or even normal birth story like most people. I was unexpected, you could say. And for my whole life, because of that fact, I always felt like a consequence.
I wasn’t supposed to exist. I brought grief to so many people by coming into this world. I was the innocent one, but I still caused so much pain. I’ve lived with such guilt over something I had no control over.
I struggle with these truths defining me, even in adulthood. I apologize way too often. I’m extremely overly sensitive. I put way too much pressure on myself to prove that I’m good enough.
The thoughts of unworthiness circle in my brain daily.
But ya know what’s pretty cool?
The fact that God doesn’t pick the qualified, but he qualifies the called.
He picked an insecure and sinful woman to reveal His divinity to at the well in John 4. He showed her grace. He had such favor on her.
In the midst of my fears because of my circumstances, I have such peace knowing that God has chosen me despite all of it.
He picks the ones that society would cast out... AKA ME... and He welcomes them with excitement. Why? Because we feel His mercy and the gift of salvation that much more since we KNOW that we don’t deserve any of it at all.
Who else is crazy grateful that God loves the ones who feel unloveable?
I haven’t stepped on the scale since August and the past few months I’ve experience such freedom because of that.
I’ve never had an eating disorder. But I did have an “unhealthy obsession with my weight disorder” and it needed to end.
I’d weigh myself multiple times each week and if I was even a pound over my ideal weight, I’d have a complete panic attack and would put myself on a smoothie-only diet for a while as my punishment.
Wanna know when it changed for me though?
I had eaten some chicken fingers and was depressed about it for a solid three days. Then I heard the song “You’re Beautiful” by Mercy Me. The lyrics say somethin like “You’re beautiful, you’re treasured, you’re sacred, you’re His.” And yano when you don’t just hear words but they pierce your heart and you really understand em? That was me when I heard that song.
I journaled. I got accountability. And I went on a mission to live like I was beautiful. Like I was treasured. Like I was sacred. Like I was HIS. Because those are facts. Not end results of something else.
I’m not advocating to be unhealthy or overweight. I still go to the gym almost every day and I still meal prep- but I refuse to let it be an idol anymore.
And now there is so much joy in the midst of my work out instead of pressure and tears.
So I challenge ya... if you feel like you may relate to this, take a break from the scale and crawl to the cross. Fight for your worth to be in the Lord and not in a number. It’ll reap some pretty great results in your soul ❤️
Pertanyaan kepada Tuhan "di manakah Engkau" atau usaha untuk meminta Tuhan menyatakan kehadiran-Nya melalui hal-hal yang kelihatan/lahiriah sering kali merupakan bentuk kesangsian dan kecurigaan terhadap Tuhan.
Pertanyaan ini datang dari hati yang ragu akan kuasa Tuhan. Orang-orang seperti ini, mungkin termasuk kamu, meminta Tuhan untuk membuktikan bahwa Dia ada. Ingat, kamu berusaha menjadi seperti Tomas.
Tuhan Yesus sendiri berkata bahwa "Berbahagialah mereka yang tidak melihat, namun percaya." - (Yohanes 20:29 (TB)
Yang Tuhan katakan sebagai kebahagiaan adalah percaya sekalipun tidak melihat. Inilah Iman.
Dimana Tuhan saat kita punya masalah?
Dia Tuhan yang sama ketika Abraham akan mempersembahkan Ishak. Dia Tuhan yang sama ketika Sadrakh, Mesakh, dan Abednego dimasukan ke dalam perapian yang menyala-nyala. Dia Tuhan yang sama yang bahkan ketika Diri-Nya hidup di bumi ini, Dia disiksa dan disalibkan hingga mati di atas kayu salib.
Dimana Tuhan saat kita dalam kesukaran hidup? Dia ada, dan nyata.
Persoalan hidup adalah satu hal yang mutlak yang pasti setiap kita miliki. Bagian kita bukan mencurigai Tuhan, apakah Dia ada atau tidak ada, apakah Dia jahat ataukah baik.
Bagian kita adalah memiliki iman. Iman seperti apa? Seperti Abraham, Bapa orang percaya. Kepercayaan Abraham dinyatakannya lewat tindakannya. Dia rela hidupnya "disita" untuk melakukan kehendak Tuhan. Dia rela untuk menyerahkan Ishak.
Bagian kita adalah bekerja dengan bertanggung jawab. Persoalan hidup kita selesaikan dengan pertolongan dan untuk kemuliaan nama Tuhan.
Seringkali, persoalan hidup justru membuat kita semakin bertumbuh. Jika kamu memiliki masalah, selidikilah, apakah itu karena kelalaianmu ataukah karena memang Tuhan yang mengizinkannya. Apapun jawabannya, pasti ada hal yang harus diubah dari karakter mu. Bertanyalah pada Tuhan, bagian manakah dalam dirimu yang mau Tuhan ubah dan dewasakan lewat persoalan hidup? Bagian kita bukan menggerutu, bagian kita menggenggam kuat kebenaran Tuhan dan melakukannya.
Pada akhirnya, jika kita bersuka, dimanakah kita meletakan Tuhan dalam kesukaan kita? Berubahlah. Hormatilah Dia dan hiduplah untuk-Nya.
Boyfriends don’t get husband privileges. The end.
Ha! If it were only as simple to live that statement out as it is to write it out. Am I right?
It’s hard. Hormones are real. Passion is present. Hearts connect. Sure, you may not want to compromise your standards, but once you’re in a heated situation, it’s almost impossible to get out of it. But it all comes down to these questions...
Why are we allowing ourselves to be that close to sin in the first place? Why are we wandering from God? How do we think that anything else could possibly truly satisfy?
It may be the guys job to lead you, but if you “want” to go there, you have sin in your heart that needs to be examined too.
I waited until marriage. It was the furthest thing from a perfect journey to the alter though. It was filled with tears, repentance, and dying to my flesh every single day. But I knew in my heart that if my guy and I didn’t honor God while dating, then we would never honor Him while married.
It may be difficult to see it while you’re in the back of his car, the music is just right, and his smell is minty and perfect... but God is better.
He is so much better. In His presence, there is so much more than just a few seconds of joy. There is an absolute fullness of joy that lasts and lasts and lasts and makes your heart explode with gratitude and doesn’t just bless you, but everyone around you.
No. Purity is not a simple statement. It’s not a ring on your finger. It’s not a prayer that you pray. It’s messier than that. It’s years of fighting the battle on your knees. It’s consistently laying down what your body wants and being filled up by the Lord instead.
Choose the One that chose you on that cross.
Vow to keep things sacred between you and the one that God has intricately pocked out for you, which may or may not be the person you’re with. (Seriously- I did marriage counseling with a guy that is NOT my current husband. Things change in a blink of an eye.)
Press into Him. He will keep your heart safe. And know, that you got a girl in Boston praying double time for your obedience and dedication to Him, who matters most.