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*NEW podcast episode*
This week, I explain the five reasons why may want to hide your pricing. .
Also - how you can leverage that position to close bigger deals while having the flexibility to serve your customers in a more impactful way.
Link to episode in bio.
#pricing #businessmodel #charging #pricingmodel #financinggrowth #lifetimevalue #pricing #structure #pricingplans #saas #startup #growthhacking #strategy #sales #revenue #churnreduction #software #enterprisesales #podcast #mentor #personalcoach #growthmindset #selfgrowth #learning #education #learn #teaching #learningisfun #growing
Implement these 6 lead qualification filters to make sure you never waste your time doing sales calls and demos for prospects that will never buy. ⠀
Link to full video in bio.⠀ ⠀
#QualifyingLeads #QualificationProcess #CustomerValidation #EarlyAdopters #SaaS #Startup #GrowthHacking #Strategy #Sales #Revenue #ChurnReduction #Software #EnterpriseSales #DanMartell
Permission to be a SaaS diva: Why you should be super picky with your first 10 customers (and the 5 things to look for). ⠀
Link to full video in bio.⠀ ⠀
#PreSellYourProduct #SmokeTest #CustomerValidation #EarlyAdopters #FirstCustomers #SaaS #Startup #GrowthHacking #Strategy #Sales #Revenue #ChurnReduction #Software #EnterpriseSales #DanMartell
Are you folding too soon on your product demo calls? Most SaaS objections come down to just 3 things. Master them now and close more deals forever. ⠀
Link to full video in bio.⠀ ⠀
#SalesObjections #CustomerValidation #EarlyAdopters #SaaS #Startup #GrowthHacking #Strategy #Sales #Revenue #ChurnReduction #Software #EnterpriseSales #DanMartell
Stop wasting time and $$ on a “minimum viable product”. Here’s the right way to validate and pre-sell your software BEFORE you write a line of code. ⠀
Link to full video in bio.⠀ ⠀
#PreSellYourProduct #SmokeTest #CustomerValidation #EarlyAdopters #SaaS #Startup #GrowthHacking #Strategy #Sales #Revenue #ChurnReduction #Software #EnterpriseSales #DanMartell⠀
Kenbun ist seit letzter Woche stolzes Mitglied des KI-Bundesverbandes!
Dieser umfasst mehr als 120 Unternehmen, die sich auf die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von KI-Techniken spezialisiert haben. Der Verband agiert gemeinsam mit wichtigen Akteuren aus Politik und Wirtschaft als KI-Expertenkommission und berät die deutsche Bundesregierung. Im Fokus dabei stehen Fragestellungen zur Rechtssicherheit, Ethik, Forschung und Ausbildung.
#kenbun_it_ag #kiverbund #deepneuralnetworks #geneticalgorithms #reinforcementlearning #outlierdetection #naturallanguageprocessing #speechanalysis #speechsynthesis #frauddetection #capitalrequirementregulation #realtimeanomalydetection #transactiontagging #churnreduction #nextbestaction
*NEW podcast episode*
This week, I explain the five reasons why may want to hide your pricing. .
Also - how you can leverage that position to close bigger deals while having the flexibility to serve your customers in a more impactful way.
Link to episode in bio.
#pricing #businessmodel #charging #pricingmodel #financinggrowth #lifetimevalue #pricing #structure #pricingplans #saas #startup #growthhacking #strategy #sales #revenue #churnreduction #software #enterprisesales #podcast #mentor #personalcoach #growthmindset #selfgrowth #learning #education #learn #teaching #learningisfun #growing
*NEW podcast episode*
This week, I explain the five reasons why may want to hide your pricing. .
Also - how you can leverage that position to close bigger deals while having the flexibility to serve your customers in a more impactful way.
Link to episode in bio.
#pricing #businessmodel #charging #pricingmodel #financinggrowth #lifetimevalue #pricing #structure #pricingplans #saas #startup #growthhacking #strategy #sales #revenue #churnreduction #software #enterprisesales #podcast #mentor #personalcoach #growthmindset #selfgrowth #learning #education #learn #teaching #learningisfun #growing