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New video! We just dropped the “Best Infant Car Seats of 2019” review on our YouTube Channel, Magic Beans Videos! Head to to check it out. Here are a couple highlights - the @clekinc Liing and @nuna_usa Pipa!
#bestcarseats #infantcarseat #nuna #nunapipa #clek #clekliing #2019babygear
We're so excited to be featured in these car seat carry hacks shared by @thebellemethod ! Nikki's honest, direct and uplifting way of teaching is so refreshing to see. Parenthood can be nuts at any time, and when you add postpartum life to the mix . . . well it can make things even more nuts!
Read below and watch the videos for some helpful tips on how to safely pick up your infant car seat. You got this mamas!
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It’s a little bit crazy that we tell women not to work out in the first 6 to 8 weeks postpartum, and yet so many moms have to lift and carry their babies in these heavy car seats immediately after giving birth. I remember going to my doctor’s office 3 days postpartum for a check up. Just getting the car seat into the car and onto the stroller felt like a huge struggle!
To minimize the risk of pelvic organ prolapse (the downward descent of your bladder, uterus and rectum), it’s best to avoid heavy lifting in the early days postpartum.
When that’s not possible, there are still ways you can lift more safely and reduce the strain on your spine, core and pelvic floor!
Here are two video options on how to pick up your infant car seat. This is the new @clekinc Liing car seat. The carseat weighs 9 lbs. and baby Justin inside weighs 18 lbs. So we have a combined 27 lbs!
The key is to maintain a neutral spine and “blow before you go” - that means exhale and find your pelvic floor and core before you lift that load!
Do you find it awkward to carry infant car seats? We’d love to know what has worked for you, and if you try these options please let us know! ↓
#clekliing #momhacks #infantcarseat #momlife #thebumpmethod #postpartumbody #postpartumfitness #postpartum #pregnancy #newmom #liing
Before you get your hopes up, no, we aren't announcing a Clek stroller. BUT we have tested and approved our infant seat, Liing, to be used with a long list of industry-leading stroller companies!
We have all the details on our website and some helpful installation videos on our YouTube channel.
Click the link in our bio to find all the info!
#liing #clekliing #stroller #luxurydesign #carseatstroller #uppababyvista #babyjoggercityselect #babyzen #bumbleridespeed #bugaboofox #silvercrosswave #stokkexplory #thuleurbanglide #uppavista #strollerrunning
We had a Facetime meeting with Rebecca from @clekinc this morning so she could train us on the new Liing! My jaw hit the floor more than once! This seat has so much to offer, and we can't wait for these to start rolling out to us at the end of March. You can pre-order yours now at
#carseat #clekyourride #nextlevel #okcbabystore #clek #clekliing #soexcited #newbaby #newparents #firsttimemom
Look what arrived We are so excited for the new @clekinc #liing. There are so many features I LOVE about this seat. Can’t wait to use it with our babe.
The Clek Liing is coming to EcoBambino!! Are you searching for the perfect infant car seat that truly has it all? Come join us this Wednesday from 2-3pm to preview the latest and greatest from @clekinc This beauty of an infant car seat will be at the store to see, feel, and play with. A limited number are available for pre-order and will begin shipping next month. #clek #clekliing #infantcarseat #babysafety #babystoreinslo