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Proveemos hilos tensores de todo tipo. Contáctame si los necesita.
#hafiller #threadlift #cogthread #pdothreadlift #colageno #pdothread #pclthreads #liftingthreads #fionathreads #facelift #noselift #eyebrowlift #cogthreadlift #monothreads #barbedthreads #vlift #estetica #belleza #nonsurgical #nonsurgicalfacelift #hilostensores #hilosgluteos #hilospdo #hilosdecolageno #colageno #hilosmagicos #hilosdepolidioxanona #polidioxanona #botox #lipfiller #acidohialuronico
removing pdo thread that is poking #hafiller #threadlift #cogthread #pdothreadlift #colageno #pdothread #pclthreads #liftingthreads #fionathreads #facelift #noselift #eyebrowlift #cogthreadlift #monothreads #barbedthreads #vlift #estetica #belleza #nonsurgical #nonsurgicalfacelift #hilostensores #hilostensoresfaciales #hilostensoresgluteos #hilosgluteos #hilospdo #hilosdecolageno #colageno #hilosmagicos #hilosdepolidioxanona #polidioxanona
✨PDO Cog Thread Therapy✨
-An excellent and effective cosmetic technique to lift and tighten sagging skin
-Re-defines facial contours
-Lifting effect can last for up to 2 – 3 years
-The thread will form an integral support structure for the tissue of the face due to collagen synthesis
-The lifting effect is at its peak 6 months later when collagen has formed around the threads
-Skin rejuvenation from the natural wound healing process
علاج PDO Cog thread therapy لشد العنق ومعالجة الذقن المزدوجة:
هي تقنية تجميلية ممتازة وفعالة لرفع وشد الجلد المترهل وإعادة تحديد ملامح الوجه، التي يمكن أن تستمر نتيجتها إلى مدة تتراوح بين ٢-٣ سنوات.
يعمل الخيط على تشكيل بنية دعم متكاملة لأنسجة الوجه وذلك بسبب خلق وتحفيز الكولاجين.
تظهر النتيجة كاملة بعد ٦ أشهر من العلاج، بعد أن يتم تشكل الكولاجين بالكامل حول الخيوط، إلى أن تنتقل العملية إلى التئام الجروح وتجدد الجلد طبيعياً
#threadlifting #cogthread
#luciaclinic #luciaclinicdubai
#drradmilalukian #necklifting
#doublechinremoval #beautifucation
#aestheticsdubai #mydubai #myuae
Dongbang Big V Blunt 18G 105mm
2 packs RM 1000
While stock last !! Whatsapp 0184003260
Postage Monday-Friday
Order submit before 2pm
#threadlift #thread #bigV #cogthread #melsmonjapan #nichiikoslimming #melsmon #dongbang #bigV #japanplatinum #orientalplatinum #snowwhite #nanguang #hyaron #tevapink
Multi thread y mesh thread, se USA para dar volumen, perfecto para el efecto de filling #hafiller #threadlift #cogthread #pdothreadlift #colageno #pdothread #pclthreads #liftingthreads #fionathreads #facelift #noselift #eyebrowlift #cogthreadlift #monothreads #barbedthreads #vlift #estetica #belleza #nonsurgical #nonsurgicalfacelift #hilostensores #hilosgluteos #hilospdo #hilosdecolageno #colageno #hilosmagicos #hilosdepolidioxanona #polidioxanona #botox #lipfiller #acidohialuronico
FIONA Cog 21g 60mm, used for eyebrow lift! The effect is obvious contact me for the threads now! #hafiller #threadlift #cogthread #pdothreadlift #colageno #pdothread #pclthreads #liftingthreads #fionathreads #facelift #noselift #eyebrowlift #cogthreadlift #monothreads #barbedthreads #vlift #estetica #belleza #nonsurgical #nonsurgicalfacelift #hilostensores #hilostensoresfaciales #hilostensoresgluteos #hilosgluteos #hilospdo #hilosdecolageno #colageno #hilosmagicos #hilosdepolidioxanona #polidioxanona
Threadlift tarik benang wajah molding cog pdo ecer
Rp. 330.000.-
Model benang modling cog merupakan generasi terbaru. Memiliki cog berputar 360 derajat sehingga membentuk cone. Daya tarik lebih kuat dibanding pulling cog.
Harga yg tertera adalah harga ecer 1pc ukuran 19G x 100mm
Trusted Olshop 100%... Pesanan dijamin sampai di tujuan.
Cek Testi pengiriman ~> @testi.asyifa_zafirah
@olshopzafirah_ (produk kecantikan lainnya dari cabang toko kami)
LINE: asyifazafirah
WA: 082343672475 ..
#skinbooster #mencerahkankulit #kulitcerah #kulitputih #perawatanskinbooster #skinboosterwajah #skinboostertreatment #skinboosterkerutanwajah #kulitkencang #mengencangkankulit #benang #benangwajah #tarikbenang #cogthread #polidioxidanecogthread #benangcara #benangpdo #jualbenangwajah #jualbenangpdo #tanambenang
#threadlift #threadliftmurah #nosethreadlift #vovlift #modlingcog #pullingcog
How does Fiona PDO Thread Lift Work ?☝️☝️☝️Just a lunch time, back to your youthful time,immediate result,painless, no side effect!
Consulting hotline:Whatsapp +86 13812116117