complextrauma trauma ptsd cptsd emdr anxiety traumarecovery complexptsd depression therapy counseling socialwork traumainformed developmentaltrauma traumahealing chronicpain eating emdrcarlsbad emdrconsultation healthissues kathleenphelpslcsw panicattacks emotionalabuse selflove cptsdrecovery mentalhealth narcissisticabuse psychology psychotherapy vethelp24
The National Domestic Violence Hotline does not recommend going to couples counseling with an abuser. Couples counseling is for two people who *both* possess empathy and the ability/willingness to change. Since the narcissistic abuser has little to no empathy, couples counseling only becomes another battleground and power play, where an outsider is brought in and made to enable the abuser. When a couple in an abusive relationship go to counseling, equal focus and emphasis is placed on both the victim and abuser’s behavior which is not effective as it invalidates the victim’s experiences and places him/her at further risk for harm and gaslighting. I’ve heard horror stories of what happens when victims go to counseling with their abuser - from the therapist being fooled by the abuser and the abuser retaliating to even more unethical scenarios where the therapist becomes personally involved in an affair with the narcissist! The abuse must be addressed because the abuse is the problem. Rather than couples counseling, it is far better for the victim to attend *individual counseling* with a trauma informed therapist to seek the help he or she needs to exit and heal from the abusive relationship. ♥️
#couplescounseling #abusiverelationship #traumabonding #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #abusiverelationship #abuse #trauma #complextrauma #ptsd #complexptsd #narcissisticabuse #gaslighting #gaslightingawareness #secondarygaslighting #shahidaarabi
Or as I put it: trauma injury. Framing is important
Thanks to @documenting_recovery
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#healingcptsd #cptsdsurvivorturnedthriver #cptsdwarrior #cptsdsurvivor #cptsdwarriors #complextrauma #healingtrauma #thriving #recoveryjourney #growthmindset, #queerlove, #tendercare #queerfemme, #queer, #lgbtq, #gentle, #recovery, #selflove, #mindfulness, #radicalvulnerability, #selfcompassion, #queerhealth #posttraumaticgrowth
Repost @centerontrauma
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"The impact of trauma and the process of healing is dependent on the environment (community resources, values & quality of response), event (when, how, where), and the person (personal traits, history, & relationship w/ offender). We have to avoid oversimplification of trauma. It is complex, multilayered, and nuanced— just like survivors!" Ecological view of trauma by Mary Harvey • • • • • •
#Trauma #ComplexTrauma #PTSD #PTSDAwareness #ComplexPTSD #CPTSD #TraumaInformed #Connection #Community #Relationship #Support #Companionship #Care #Resources #Identity #Oppression #Access #Complexities #Complexity #ComplexHuman #Context #Layers #CulturalTrauma #IntergenerationalTrauma #ChildAbuse #DevelopmentalTrauma #Abuse #Violence #Impact
Coping strategies, even the most “unhealthy” ones were formed for our survival. We turned to them at times we needed them to get through. Now you see there were more options available. You recognize the downsides and long term impacts. Those old coping strategies no longer serve you. You have other things you turn to when life gets hard. And that’s amazing. Allow that realization to wash over you. I no longer need to resort to that in order to survive.
Also though, in my practice, I see people who are really hard on their past selves for the ways they got through. And when things get especially difficult, people are similarly hard on themselves for even looking at that old coping strategy with a little bit of longing. Yes, remind yourself of all the reasons why you don’t want to go down that path again. Yes, remember all the other ways of coping you have worked so hard to cultivate. But the reason why you resorted to that in the first place was because it worked. Even in the short term. It worked. It got you through. I’m so thankful for that. It’s okay to miss an old coping strategy. It got you through the most difficult times. When it didn’t feel like there were other options. When you didn’t have the support you have now. Hold that person with tenderness. They were just trying to survive.
#selfcompassion #complextrauma #recoveryquotes #abusesurvivor #cptsdrecovery #traumahealing #healingtrauma #traumarecovery #edrecovery #copingskills #copingmechanism
Repost from @dr.thema. Understanding the effects of trauma creates so much space for compassion and understanding. #trauma #traumasurvivor #childhoodtrauma #survival #copingmechanism #ptsd #traumainformed #createspace #compassion #understanding #ptsdawareness #ptsdrecovery #recovery #drthema #psychoeducation #themoreyouknow #beinformed #complextrauma #developmentaltrauma #lifelong #coping #healing #lifeaftertrauma #mindbodyconnection #thebodykeepsthescore #transgenerational #learnedbehaviour #informedtrauma #lunapsychology
Repost from @oliver.poetry trauma survivors often cannot self soothe because they have learnt to punish pain away. This self punishing may present as self harm, negative self talk, or reckless behaviour. Survivors of childhood abuse have often never had any form of emotional reassurance, or space to simply hold and experience their emotions just as they are. Distressing emotions come and go, when feeling distressed, try little moments of self love, wrap your arms around your body, tell yourself out loud that you are loved and cared for, and you can through this difficult time. #trauma #traumasurvivor #copingmechanism #copingskills #traumarecovery #recovery #ptsd #ptsdawareness #ptsdsurvivor #posttraumatic #posttraumaticgrowth #growthmindset #personalgrowth #selfcare #selflove #selflovecoach #punishment #selfharm #complextrauma #cptsd #cptsdrecovery #recoveryispossible #mentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #survivor #warriors #igotthis
When used by toxic narcissists who misuse and abuse you, these phrases are forms of gaslighting they use to emotionally invalidate you and deny your reality. ♥️ ————————————————————-
#gaslightingawareness #gaslighting #narcissisticabuse #narcissist #abuse #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuse #ptsd #complextrauma #manipulation #toxicpeople #verbalabuse #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #shahidaarabi