conferment aaltoarts promootio filpromootio19 aaltopromovendi ceremony graduation universityofhelsinki finland family studenttraditions aaltouniversity doctorofarts brunei degree doctorate doctorsofart empirehotelandcountryclubbrunei engineers friends greece greek hellas helsinginyliopisto refashion royalinstitution summer taipuukuinolut aaltopromootio
Preparing for tomorrow’s Aalto University Conferment (promootio) for @aaltoarts. I found an elegant white dress from a second-hand store and adjusted it to my size and style.
#conferment #promootio #aaltouniversity #aaltoarts #whitepartydress #häät #käsityö #kädentaidot #juhlapuku #graduation #masterofarts #visitingfinland #repurpose #upcycledfashion #refashion #hääpuku
حفل تكريم منح الزمالة الاكاديمية الآسيوية للأمراض الجلدية. #زمالة #تكريم #منح #شهادة #جلدية #جلد #اندونيسيا #دبي #الامارات #فخر
The Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venerealogy conferment ceremony. #aadv #dermatology #skin #conferment #indonesia #surabaya #dubai #uae #pride #milestone #asia #represent