cortisol stress fitness anxiety estresse hormones mindfulness drmichelbatista health healthy hormonios mentalhealth microfisioterapia microfisioterapia_aracaju nutrition sono adelgazar adrenalfatigue depression healthyswitzerland inflammation perderpeso recovery relax selfcare wellness adrenals aumentodemasamuscular deus energy selenebuatislim
El cuerpo reacciona ante el estrés al liberar hormonas, estas hormonas hacen que su cerebro esté más alerta, causar que los músculos se tensionen y aumentar su pulso, a corto plazo, estas reacciones son buenas porque pueden ayudarle a manejar la situación que causa el estrés, esta es la manera en que su cuerpo se protege a sí mismo.
#estres #cortisol #hormonas #cuerpo #sintomas #terapia #irritabilidad #asocial #alcohol #fatiga #cansancio #musculos #tension #enfermedad #problemas #dormir #emociones #inestabilidad #sentimientos #ocuparse #dolor #alegria #humor #gym #cerebro #causas #tiempo #sarkanyfit
Are you thriving or just surviving with your health!?
Did you know chronic diseases causes 7 out of 10 deaths in the US and accounts for 86 percent of healthcare expenditures, 91 percent of prescriptions and 76% of primary care physician visits!?
In 2015 it was reported that the US spends $3.2 trillion dollars on health care each year, with only around 3% of these expenses being preventable health related
50 million Americans have auto immune disease, 9 million Americans have cancer, 22 million Americans have heart disease and one in four Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease
Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the US, with 5 million Americans having this disease; this number is expected to triple by the year 2050 and every 60 seconds someone in the US develops this disease
2/3 of medical research is sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and the top 6 foods in the American diet are grain-based desserts, breads, sugar sweetened beverages, pizza, alcohol and chicken (yeyea for bro-dieters), but primarily fried chicken
Doctors write over 1 million prescriptions for antibiotics each year; every two out of three Americans who visit their doctor for a cold and flu are prescribed anabiotic’s, with 80% of them not meeting the CDC recommendations for qualifying for antibiotics
The average adult has received 17 courses of anabiotic’s by the age of 18, with a 5 day course of antibiotics being able to wipe out up to 1/5 of our gut flora
#briannaapproved #holistichealth #preventativemedicine #foodismedicine #guthealth #gutgeek #probiotics #plantcompounds #inflammation #antioxidants #stress #cortisol #adrenals #thyroid #macros #paleo #keto #brodiets #recoveringsuperspaz
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This post is a little “sciency”, and I realize some of you don’t care about the science behind health and fitness . Just get me lean, dude .
However, I often I find myself explaining metabolism and hormones to clients as well as on social media.
This is NOT an exhaustive list of hormones NOR is it a complete description of the roles and effects of these hormones. I simply included the most important roles and effects of hormones I consider most relative to fitness and metabolism.
I hope this opens your eyes a bit to the effects of some hormones often demonized like insulin. Most people associate insulin with fat storage - which it does. But it also helps store glycogen in your muscle to help fuel workouts as well as uptake amino acids and proteins into muscle. These are incredibly important roles for muscle building and raising or maintaining metabolism.
Cortisol is also often seen as the enemy, but it can actually play an important role in the morning as a fat mobilizer. This effect is intensified with fasting - as eating in the morning will blunt the effects of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone, so you need to be careful with fasting if you are already existing at a high level of stress. Cortisol will break down muscle and use proteins for energy.
Growth hormone mobilizes fats for energy, and growth hormone release is maximized with proper sleep (7-9 hours).
Heavy, compound lifting (3-8 reps) with shorter rest periods (45/90 seconds) for multiple sets (4-5) has been shown to increase testosterone and growth hormone release. Especially on compound lower body exercises
Tag a friend who wants to understand metabolism and hormones
#hormones #metabolism #insulin #testosterone #growthhormone #leptin #ghrelin #cortisol #adrenaline #glucose #fatstorage #metabolic #hormone #fatloss #fatlosstips #burningfat #buildingmuscle
TIME TO BE A GIANT BUZZ KILL. Yes, coffee is amazing. Yes, it makes me and probably you very happy. No, it’s not cool to drink coffee all day long.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Heres what I often hear: but if I don’t drink 6 cups of coffee, I’m SO tired.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Ok, Beverly, that’s a *problem*. And we need to figure out why you’re that tired instead of masking it with more caffeine.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Is cuz you’re not sleeping enough? Working out too much? Totally stressed at work?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
All of these situations are causing you to release cortisol. Couple that with all the caffeine you’re drinking (which is also raising cortisol), and your body has turned into a cortisol rage fest, throwing you into a full-blown fight or flight mode EVERY DAY.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Now, the system that pumps out cortisol are your adrenal glands. So you can imagine these will get after the constant release of cortisol. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’m not one to say that coffee “causes” adrenal fatigue, but you’re damn right chronic stress does and drinking a ton of caffeine every day, for most people, is stressful on your system.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
So how much is too much? This is a very individual question but between 200-400mg is a good place to start when trying to reduce caffeine. This is still *plenty*!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’m really curious - how much coffee do you guys drink? Does it make you anxious? If it does, try cutting back and see how you feel. Bringing your adrenal glands back to life after they’ve been burnt out is a PROCESS... let’s avoid that shall we?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#thatsdarling #flashesofdelight #mybeautifulmess #rdeats #dietitian #nutritionist #realtalk #realshit #cortisol #thekitchn #adrenalfatigue #healthylifestyle #keepingitreal #balancednotclean #healthyswaps #weightloss #calories #nutritionplan #healthyfoodie #eatwell #butfirstcoffee #metabolismbooster #caffeinated #coffee
You can’t see visceral fat, it’s stored deep inside your body and it’s underneath your abdominal muscles. Surrounding many vital organs such as the pancreas, liver and intestines.
#visceralfat reacts to #carbohydrates the most. When you are stressed, your #cortisol levels elevate and you start eating #carbs and #binging on sweets.
The sweet treats, because of the carbohydrates, go straight to your visceral fat to build that up more. So when you are stressed out and eat carbohydrates again, that impact on your visceral fat is even stronger. What happens then? you get more hungry and eat more carbs. Stress leads to the consumption of carbs which causes an increase in visceral fat.
That is the reason why many people gain belly fat when they are under extreme stress conditions. Studies have shown that chronic stress is linked to visceral fat gain. To relieve stress, try exercising more, yoga, #meditation or more family time.
You should consider taking a look at your stress levels & carbohydrate intake to avoid accumulating visceral fat.
A great way to make sure you are doing that is to implement #intermittentfasting - It’s a proven & powerful way to get rid of visceral fat!
Olha aí pessoal o nosso comportamento afetando nossos bichanos...
⚕️M. V. Anna Maria Schnabel ✨Endocrinologia e Clínica Geral 11 98403.1295 p/ agendamento Anália Franco, Ipiranga, Santana e São Caetano do Sul . . . #Vets4Pets #cortisol #Endocrino4Pets #vet #AnnaMariaVet #SardentinhaVet #Love4EndocrinologiaVeterinária #NuncaPercaOCarinho #MédicaVeterinária #EndocrinologiaVeterinária #DiarioDeUmVeterinario #MedicinaVeterinária #MedVet #ClínicaMédica #Hiperadrenocorticismo #Hipoadrenocorticismo #Diabetes #Hipertireoidismo #Hipotireoidismo #Obesidade #Hiperlipidemia #Cão #Gato #Insulina #Trilostano #Levotiroxina #Metimazol #Dieta
Você faz parte da geração do “acorda cansado”?
Pois saiba que 1 a cada 5 pessoas sente algum tipo de cansaço a todo momento e uma em cada dez tem fadiga prolongada e inexplicada, segundo o Royal College of Psychiatrists (Reino Unido).
Antes de tentar abordagens radicais para tratar o sintoma, que tal tentar procurar pela causa?
✔ Ferro: deficiência alimentar mais comum no mundo, provocando ANEMIA. Os glóbulos vermelhos contêm hemoglobina, que transporta oxigênio do pulmão para o corpo. Se a hemoglobina está baixa, o corpo não recebe oxigênio suficiente, levando à fadiga. Nos alimentos, os produtos de origem animal possuem ferro do tipo heme, cuja absorção é melhor pelo organismo humano;
✔Vitamina D: a deficiência pode favorecer inflamações e prejudicar a imunidade, tendo como consequência a fadiga;
✔️Vitamina B12: encontrada em carnes, queijos e laticínios, atua na formação de glóbulos vermelhos e sua absorção adequada depende de uma #proteína chamada "fator intrínseco" (secretada no estômago; sua ausência leva à #anemia perniciosa)
✔#Zinco: age como regulador do sistema imune, melhora a sensibilidade à #insulina e atua na metabolização dos carboidratos. Presente em proteínas animais, nozes, legumes, leveduras;
✔Sobrepeso: o corpo precisa de mais energia (mais esforço) para desempenhar atividades simples, como uma caminhada, quando há excesso de peso. ⬆️gasto de energia ⬆️cansaço ⬇️menos vontade e disposição para se movimentar ou lidar com atividades rotineiras. Além disso, excesso de peso pode levar à apneia do sono, que afeta sua energia também;
✔#Sono: pode ser afetado pela má alimentação, sedentarismo, stress excessivo, maus hábitos como usar o celular na cama;
✔#Hormônios: a produção ineficiente de hormônios tireoideanos e de #testosterona, bem como alterações de #cortisol, por exemplo, podem levar a sintomas que incluem fadiga.
❗️Converse com seu médico e com seu nutricionista para investigar qual seu caso e as condutas mais apropriadas para você
#endocrinologia #metabologia #medicinaintegrativa #medicinapreventiva #fadiga #fadigacrônica #adrenal #cansaço #cansado #cansada #estilodevida #dieta #treino