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Ne passons pas à côté de la richesse sensorielle qu’offre la nature! . Les jeux en plein air, la prise de risques sont importants non seulement pour leur santé physique, mais aussi pour le développement d’un esprit autonome
Do not miss out on the sensory wealth that nature offers! . Outdoor games, risk-taking are important not only for their physical health, but also for the development of an autonomous mind
#bebescalins #kids #nursery #lebanon #babies #daycare #daycarechildren #mtayleb #liban #ecole #ecolematernelle #montessori #reggioemilia #piklerloczy #kindermusik #mondfulness #socialemotionallearning
Welcome to Creative Kids Family Daycare.. Creative Kids FDC is a home based daycare registered with Baw Baw Shire in Gippsland! We believe that every child has the right to a fun, inclusive educational program. We have a huge focus on creative self expression which aims to enhance the wellbeing of individuals. We look forward to you following our adventures and experiences. #creativekidsfdc #creativekids #familydaycare #daycare #familydaycareeducator #create #creativeself #selfexpression #learn #education #earlyeducation #earlychildhood #earlychildhoodeducator #play #growth #development #childhooddevelopment #followouradventures #adventuresindaycare #daycarechildren #daycareactivities
Kids are enjoying vegetable interactive session, Learning how to peel and mash potato.
#vegetableinteractivesession #learninghowtopeel #vegetabletheme #potato #tomato #toddlers #preschoolers #daycarechildren #daycarelife #finemotorskills #parentingpartners #childcareprovider #yellowduckdaycare #malad #mumbai #daycareindia
The moment I realized my son was no longer a baby He originally was the reason this daycare is up and running! It started as an idea then he came along unexpectedly and at 2 months old He pushed me to open Little Heart ♥️ Soul Daycare. He is 3 years old and has grown up with most of these little ones you see here. I love this photo! 3 big parts of my heart all in one photo! My baby, my daycare babies and my daycare. Circle ⭕️ Time Fun. #school #teach #enhance #learning #environment #daycarebabies #daycarechildren #revamped #learn #work #selfemployed #business #owner #passion #love #create #enovate #bosslady #women #circletime #fun #laughter #child #children #kids #kid
The benefits of bubbles
There are so many benefits of playing with bubbles, it allows children to develop their fine motor skills, helps them to develop their visual tracking skills and allows them to have fun at the same time! •
#childdevelopment #children #learning #letthembelittle #parenting #babies #toddlers #love #kids #learningthroughplay #childeducation #inhomedaycare #daycareteacher #childrenplay #infants #daycarechildren #kiddos #healthymeals #sensoryplay #earlylearning #care #earlychildhoodeducation #igbabies #nurturing
LEGO building is one of the best activities to develop co-operative play.
Building their imagination up with adventures into mini worlds full of castles, dragons, unicorns and SO much more.
Your childs cognitive development will blossom.
Your childs creativity will grow with each story...playing together with peers helps with their creative development.
#childdevelopment #children #learning #letthembelittle #parenting #babies #toddlers #love #kids #learningthroughplay #childeducation #inhomedaycare #daycareteacher #childrenplay #infants #daycarechildren #kiddos #healthymeals #sensoryplay #earlylearning #care #earlychildhoodeducation #igbabies #nurturing
If you caught my stories last night you would have heard the reason as to why I’ve been a little MIA lately.. life has been a little hectic while I have been busily preparing for my next adventure.. I am happy to say as of yesterday I’m officially a family daycare educator with my local shire.. Posted @withrepost • @creativekidsfdc Welcome to Creative Kids Family Daycare.. Creative Kids FDC is a home based daycare registered with Baw Baw Shire in Gippsland! We believe that every child has the right to a fun, inclusive educational program. We have a huge focus on creative self expression which aims to enhance the wellbeing of individuals. We look forward to you following our adventures and experiences. #creativekidsfdc #creativekids #familydaycare #daycare #familydaycareeducator #create #creativeself #selfexpression #learn #education #earlyeducation #earlychildhood #earlychildhoodeducator #play #growth #development #childhooddevelopment #followouradventures #adventuresindaycare #daycarechildren #daycareactivities
Les inscriptions pour 2019/2020 à @bebescalinsnursery garderie 1-3 ans et école maternelle 3-5 ans pour les classes PS/ MS sont ouverts jusqu’à fin Mai.
Légalisée par le ministère de l’éducation, Bébés Câlins propose une pédagogie croisée et positive inspirée SNOEZELEN, MONTESSORI, REGGIO EMILIA, PIKLER LOCZY ainsi que divers ateliers comme le STEAM LAB /KINDERMUSIK/MINDFULNESS/ SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING.
Visite possible pour les classes garderie et école maternelle chaque jour de 9h à 12h de Janvier à Mai.
For more infos : 03/254 354
Registrations for 2019/2020 at @bebescalinsnursery daycare 1-3 years old and kindergarten 3-5 years old for PS / MS are open till the end of May.
Legalized by the Ministry of Education, Bébés Câlins offers a cross-pedagogical and positive pedagogy inspired by SNOEZELEN, MONTESSORI, REGGIO EMILIA, PIKLER LOCZY as well as various workshops like the STEAM LAB / KINDERMUSIK / MINDFULNESS / SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING.
Possible visit for daycare and nursery classes every day from 9h to 12h.
#bebescalins #kids #nursery #lebanon #babies #daycare #daycarechildren #mtayleb #liban #ecole #ecolematernelle #montessori #reggioemilia #piklerloczy #kindermusik #mondfulness #socialemotionallearning
|| Grace has really been focused on Reading lately, I love it || @coles_kiddie_care
#coleskiddiecare #clovisdaycare #safety #care #nurturing #letthembelittle #daycarechildren #infants #babies #toddlers #children #kiddos #love #licenseddaycare #cprfirstaidcertified #healthymeals #childeducation #childdevelopment
#learning #childrenplay #daycareteacher #inhomedaycare #daycareowner #daycareprovider #instadaily #igbabies #instagram #instapic #igdaycare #igbusiness