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✨ Que tu meta sea hoy, ganarle a tu mejor excusa ✨ •
Hoy quiero resaltar a mi clienta @janetg1215 , aparte de tener una personalidad super especial, tiene una dedicación admirable! Gracias por confiar en mi con tu nutrición y por dar tu en cada sesión individual y clase #nodaysoff #entrenamientopersonal
I want to remind you that your fitness journey should be something that becomes a LIFESTYLE, not only for looks - it is most importantly about your HEALTH - physically and mentally- and your health matters EVERY MONTH of the year. •
So don’t press the “pause” button. Yes. You.
And If you are one of those waiting for January to “start” - why not now? Whats going to be different 24 days from now? •
Would you like some ideas on how to maintain during the holidays? •
Outfit: @labellamafia (code: Nicolle)
Read this: Unless someone can look into the core of your heart, and see the degree of your passion, or look into the depths of your soul and see the extend of your will, then they have NO business telling you what you CAN or cannot achieve. Because while they may know the odds, they do not know YOU. #letitsinkin
Esta tarde entrenando. Poniéndole el corazón!!! Tengo que estar listo físicamente, mentalmente y espiritualmente para lo que venga! Dios es bueno. Aquí estamos trabajando la espalda. Lat Pull Down. Tres sets de 15 a 20 repeticiones. Esta máquina me encanta! Normalmente el cable está en el medio. Si se fijan en esta máquina, está dividida en dos cables. De esta manera cada lado trabaja individualmente. Así, tu lado fuerte no ayuda al lado débil y el esfuerzo es parejo en los dos lados de tu espalda. Espectacular!!!! Video: Al Sanchez #Entre200A250Libras #En CadaLado #PareceMucho #PeroNoLoEs #AunqueTengoQueAdmitir #QueNoEstáFacíl #EstaMáquinaRuedaRico #RuedaSuave #LatPullDown #MiamiFitness #PersonalTrainning #PersonalTrainer #CoralGablesFitness #PinecrestFitness #MiamiBeachFitness #SouthMiamiFitness #BrickellFitness #DownTownMiamiFitness #DoralFitness @bailandoamenudo @naiomifarrait @alana.farrait @adri_gonzalez85 @irma.nieves40 @vivianfarrait
“ The real joy in life is from finding your true purpose and aligning it with what you do every single day”
One of the greater joys I find in what I do, is to be able to help people find their way to a healthier lifestyle and impact their day or life with positivity whether is from a conversation or simply through giving my best to provide them with a workout and energy that they will enjoy and feel accomplished Thank you @nbcutelemundo for having me yesterday! And of course, my team for the trust and opportunity to go out there and represent @legacyfitdoral by spreading that energy that we have!!
☀️ Happy Friday ☀️ Sharing one of my favorite quotes from a book I got as a gift called “ Now is the Time”
Lose your fear of failure. “Failing simply improves your chances of succeeding next time.
You cant make progress without failing.
But fear of failure is our greatest brake: to growth, to knowledge, to progress. “