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The only tiara we have seen on Meghan thus far is Queen Mary’s Diamond Bandeau Tiara, worn on the day of her wedding to Harry in May 2018. The history of this tiara is a bit simpler than some of the others in the collection of the BRF. It originated as a brooch, seen in the center of the tiara’s design, which was given as a gift to Queen Mary (then Princess Victoria Mary of Teck) on the occasion of her wedding to King George V (then Prince George, Duke of York) in 1893. In 1932 Mary had the bandeau tiara created to feature the brooch, and it’s possible that this central piece is able to be changed out to highlight different brooches. Upon Mary’s death in 1953, the tiara was inherited by our current Queen, but it made no known appearances on her or any other royal ladies until 2018. There are very few photos of Mary herself wearing the piece - these are the only two that seem to be available online - and considering it is such a pretty tiara, I am surprised no one snapped it up during those intermediate years. Prior to the wedding, speculation was rife about which tiara Meghan would wear, and the diamond bandeau was on almost no one’s radar. Though I was groggily watching at 6:00 am that Saturday morning, I woke right up as we first saw it sparkling from beneath her veil and through the car window during our first look at the bride. I thought it was the most perfect choice to match Meghan’s style, and like her new Duchess of Sussex title, the tiara came largely without previous royal associations, allowing her to make it completely her own. I find its diamond design to be especially gorgeous, and the way it sparkled & shone in the sunlight during their carriage ride around Windsor was just exquisite. I’m really hoping to see this tiara on Meghan again, but I think we’ll have to wait a while to see her in it or any other piece for that matter - remember Kate didn’t attend another tiara occasion until a year and a half after her wedding, and Harry himself has been seen at very few over the years. What are your thoughts on the tiara? Were you happy with the choice for Meghan’s bridal look?
#meghanmarkle #duchessmeghan #duchessofsussex #duchessmeghanofsussex
Duchess PURPLE
•I have made a collage of the Duchesses wearing purple!The colour purple is beautiful and the Duchesses are stunning in the colour!I would love to see them more wearing this colour!
•In the first and second slide you can see Catherine wearing the colour purple she is stunning, isn’t itIn the third slide you can see a single picture of Catherine wearing the a coat in the colour purple!idk if there are more outfit’s of her that she is wearing the colour purple but these outfit’s are the outfit’s that i found and were she is wearing the colour purple!
•In the last slide you can see a single picture of Meghan were she is wearing the colour purple!I love the combination red and purple it remind me of Diana because she wore also a similair outfit like Meghan!You can see that Catherine has more outfit’s were she is wearing purple but that’s normal because she is already 8 years a royal lady and Meghan almost 1 year!Maybe we can see more outfit’s with a touch of purple in the future! # —> ignore
#katemiddleton #duchesskate #duchesscatherine #catherinemiddleton #duchessofcambridge #meghanmarkle #duchessofsussex #duchessmeghan #rachelmeghanmarkle #royal #royalfamily #royals #royalstyle #outfitinspiration #purple #dianaspencer #princessdiana #britishroyalfamily #kensingtonpalace
✨Catherine Middleton
•Heyy my dear followers i have made a collection of my favorite updo’s of Catherine Middlton or Duchess Of Hairstyle’s.I love her hairstyle’s her hair is beautiful and has a natural brown colour!If anyone know her hairstylist let me know because i need it❤️
Swipe for more>>
:Photo’s are not mine they are from pinterest. ——————————————
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