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Jesteście gotowi na serię nowości od Stuka Puka? Na zdjęciu nasze pierwsze puzzle 6-poziomowe "O, kurczę". #dladzieci #zabawki #natura #zabawkiedukacyjne #educationaltoys #edukacja #dziecko #dzieci #zabawa #child #dladzieci #kids #nauka #puzzle #toys #puzzles #przedszkole #leśneprzedszkole #drewnianepuzzle #nauka #naukaprzezzabawę #montessori #montessorikids #instadziecko #montessoriathome #mama #matka #motherhood #instamatka #kura #kurczak #chicken
"Babies are so new to the world that the simplest things fascinate them. My little one has been watching his beautiful gobbi mobile contentedly for over half an hour! Enough time for me to teach a violin lesson. No busy, noisy, light up toys... no swings, bouncers or jumpers needed! It is amazing how long children can focus without distractions!" -beautiful words and from @gentlebreezemontessori ❤️⠀
The Gobbi mobile, a Montessori classic, helps refine your baby's ability to perceive color gradations and continues to support the development of their visual skills, such as focusing and tracking. This mobile is from our Level One box. ⠀
#Montessori #MontessoriToddler #MontessoriParenting #MontessoriSchool #MontessoriFromBirth #Montessori #IG_Motherhood #LetThemBeLittle #LoveToLearn #ScreenFree #SmartBaby #MontessoriAtHome #BabyToys #WoodenToys #ChildDevelopment #Toys #EarlyChildhoodEducation #Babies #Toddlers #ToddlerLife #SensoryPlay #Playtime #PlayToLearn #BabySubscriptionBox #SustainableToys #EducationalToys #LearningToys #BabyDevelopment #BabyEducation
Are you ready?! Here is the very, very first sneak peek of our TODDLER Play Kits!!! Pre-sale starts May 1st! #ComingSoon... #loveverytoddler ❤️
#lovevery #loveverytoddler #playkits #playtime #learningthroughplay #playtolearn #toddlersubscriptionbox #earlylearningprogram #sustainabletoys #toddlereducation #toddlerdevelopment #smarttoddler #strongtoddler #toddlertoys #educationaltoys #learningtoys #toddlermilestones #toddlerplay #toddleractivities #toddlerlife
How could you look at this space and not just instantly fall in love! I dont call this girl “the queen of styling” for nothing!! This beautiful vintage inspired ABC poster has just been added to the store #yourwelcome .
Did you see our new plush range that hit the shelves today? And I also just did a sneaky restock on all our educational blocks! .
All I can say is at the moment I have stocking coming out my ears! and orders going through left, right and centre! So please just bare with me as I get those beautiful orders out to you! #sograteful .
absolute perfection @adrienne.and.lachie .
#playroom #playroominspo #playroominspiration #playroomgoals #homeschool #homeschooling #educationalplay #educationaltoys #earlylearning #earlylearningcentre #learnandplay #letthemplay #childhood #childhoodunplugged #montessori #montessoriathome #ourmontessorilife #mindfulness #mindfulplay #imaginativeplay #nestlingandnook #cavalliniandco
Here's a great DIY. This is a perfect way to get build PE with hand-eye coordination for little ones! It's also a great way to have fun INDOORS or OUTDOORS during Spring Break. Give it a try & give us a ❤. Happy Learning!
Repost @_nidanurunannesi_ .
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#kidsactivitiesblog #preschoolactivity #otforkids #finemotorskills #kindergartenactivities #prekteacher #toyideas #toysforautism #preschooltoys #diy #kindergartenclassroom #montessoritoys #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #educationaltoys #therapyideas #learningthroughplay #babyactivities #springbreak