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BALANCE — I’ve recently added balance to my list of traits. I should’ve added it a long time ago but it takes time to understand what it is we’re missing or need day to day. By adding balance, I’m able to come back to my daily routine with a fresh and energizing perspective. If I’m going to be an example to my clients I need to do more than workout. Gassing out doesn’t only mean doing HIIT or hard workouts, it means doing too much too often. Leaving no energy left for work, your partner, friends, or YOU! Find your balance and come back 100%. GLAD TO BE BACK! @kccosper
Your boyfriend shouldn’t be the only one who does arms LADIES ♀️
Add this into your booty and leg routine you’re always doing because balance is key
Now let’s get into it
5x10-12 Straight Bar Curls
5x8-10 Dips
(assisted or unassisted both work!)
5x12 Cable Machine Curl
5x12/arm DB Tricep Kick Back
5x12 DB Alt. Hammer Curl
#armsworkout #arm #upperbodyworkout #upperbody #bicepworkout #tricepsworkout #alphalete #alphaleteathletics #dumbbellworkout #girlswithmuscle #atlanta #atlantapersonaltrainer #atlpersonaltrainer #summershredding #gymsharkwomen #flex #girlabs #fitnessgirl #fitsporation #girlswholift