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• i sammarbete med @buzzador har jag fått prova fyra olika brustabletter från Activ care. Tycker förpackningen ser så lockande och fina ut!! Här kommer lite info om dom olika brustabletterna Den gula pick me up -> ger en uppiggande känsla. Den lila -> ger extra boost vid träning. Den oranga -> bevarar fokuset. Den rosa -> hjälper emunföravaret. Dom olika brustabletterna har olika smaker vilket jag gillar så man får lite variation •
#buzzador #activcare #brus #vimedbarn #mammalivet #9112mw #kosttillskott #m.r.s.w #godmorgon #start
House Of Pale: a crisp, juicy pale ale with enough hops and body to satisfy the IPA freaks, and yet holds a bright bitter finish - keeping true to it's style. Available both on the @toolbeerwebshop and at @bruscph
#BRUS #BRUSCPH #mitnørrebro #mitkbh #mitkøbenhavn #ibyendk #mycopenhagen #mynørrebro #copenhagenbar #craftbeernation #craftbeer #beerbeerbeer #øl #craftbeernotcrapbeer #brew #ale #beerme #craftbrew #beers #drinkfresh #drinkup #beerbeerbeer #beersofinstagram #beerstagram #beertography #fermentation
Hahahahaha Nice post! My kudos to @chaddriscoll
É isso aí cães, lixos e imundícies, pensam que existe mágica, água com limão, glutamina, gratidão, suco detox, pó de pirlimpimpim...hahahahaha! Vão achando!
#50 #BRUS #TOS #acsm #nsca #usa #sportnutrition #issn #appalachianstateuniversity x#youdogyoutrashyoudirty #maispubmed #maisleituraporfavor #gainz
#nutricao #hypertrophy #hypertro phytime #exercisescience #treinamentodeforçaehipertrofia #hipertrofia #nutrition #nutricaoesportiva #estudaquecresce #jiujitsu #bjjlifestyle #bodybuildinglifestyle #seucaoseulixosuaimundicie #oldschool #oss
Sabadão dia de treinão! Falar até papagaio fala, quero ver fazer! Com 20-30 anos é fácil, quero ver com quase 5.9 (daqui a duas semanas). Final do supino reto com 275 lbs (124,73 kg) x 10 reps.
General T’s rule: train like a beast, eat like an animal, and rest like an angel
#50 #BRUS #TOS #acsm #nsca #usa #sportnutrition #issn #appalachianstateuniversity x#youdogyoutrashyoudirty #maispubmed #maisleituraporfavor #gainz
#nutricao #hypertrophy #hypertro phytime #exercisescience #treinamentodeforçaehipertrofia #hipertrofia #nutrition #nutricaoesportiva #estudaquecresce #jiujitsu #bjjlifestyle #bodybuildinglifestyle #seucaoseulixosuaimundicie #oldschool #oss
Satellite cells, the predominant stem cell population in adult skeletal muscle, are activated in response to hypertrophic stimuli and give rise to myogenic progenitor cells (MPCs) within the extracellular ma- trix (ECM) that surrounds myofibers. This ECM is composed largely of collagens secreted by intersti- tial fibrogenic cells, which influence satellite cell activity and muscle repair during hypertrophy and aging. Here we show that MPCs interact with interstitial fibrogenic cells to ensure proper ECM deposition and optimal muscle remodeling in response to hypertrophic stimuli. MPC-dependent ECM remodel-ing during the first week of a growth stimulus is sufficient to ensure long-term myofiber hypertrophy. MPCs secrete exosomes containing miR-206, which represses Rrbp1, a master regulator of collagen biosynthesis, in fibrogenic cells to prevent excessive ECM deposition. These findings provide insights into how skeletal stem and progenitor cells interact with other cell types to actively regulate their extra-cellular environments for tissue maintenance and adaptation.
✅HIGHLIGHTS ✅ Myogenic progenitor cells (MPCs) regulate the muscle extracellular matrix
✅ MPCs regulate skeletal muscle fiber hypertrophy independent of fusion
✅ miR-206 in MPC exosomes regulates fibrogenic cell Rrbp1 and collagen expression
✅ MPCs regulate ECM remodeling within 1 week to facilitate fiber growth
Fazendo um resumão, lembra do post de hoje cedo, sobre o descanso? Então, vamos simular uma situação: vc treina bem forte, não se recupera direito, treina em cima, e continua até que se torne crônico, certo? Isso faz com que proteínas que regulam a síntese de colágeno nas células mitogênicas, aumentem o material fibrogênico, prejudicando a hipertrofia. Portanto dê a devida atenção para o seu descanso!
#50 #BRUS #TOS #acsm #nsca #usa #sportnutrition #issn #appalachianstateuniversity #gainz