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So this has happened.
My new product, the one that I’ve been working on for the last 6 MONTHS (and counting) is hurtling towards its launch and so I thought it might be nice to introduce it (pls note sharing it is also making me do a little sick in my mouth). @wearemoutpads are a new way to period. They are the new re-usable period pad that is good for you, good for the planet and good for your purse.
Did you know the average woman uses 22 disposable sanitary products per period?
And they all end up in landfill (or worse still, they wash up on our beaches). Together we can turn the tide on period waste.
Our pads are super-absorbent and secure, so you can be confident they’re taking care of business. Whether you’re chairing a meeting or binging on box sets - you can rule out panic dashed to the loo.
Plus our pads contain zero harmful chemicals or single-use plastic.
And you can feel smug knowing you’re contributing to saving the planet.
The power is in your pants.
Hit the link in my bio, sign up and be one of the first to hear updates while we prep for our launch. We’ll also send you an exclusive 10% discount for your first order.
#newwaytoperiod #reusableperiodpad #reusablesanitarypad #reusable #wearemout #enviroment #lessplasticwaste #reduceplasticwaste #lesswaste #periodpads #sanitarypads #padsforwomen #lessperiodwaste #singleuseplasticfree #smug #ecoconscious #offsetting #offset #bladderweakness #incontinence #incontinenceawareness #incontencepads
When your BFF arrives and you can't wait to show her the picnic you planned ♀️. ⠀
Happy national picnic month, #stashersquad! Make it a plastic-free picnic by bringing bevies in glass bottles or your trusty stainless steel, and pack food in Stasher bags of course! ⠀
Shop the ✨NEW ✨ Stasher Mojave Collection. Link in bio!⠀
#stasherbag #nationalpicnicmonth #picnicdate #plasticfreejuly #nomoreplastic #lessplasticwaste #refusesingleuse #beatplasticpollution #bringyourown #choosetoreuse #noplanetb #mojavedesert #mojavenationalpreserve #joshuatreenationalpark
Oto koktajl w słoiku. I metalowa ,,tęczowa'' słomka.
Zazwyczaj ten pakiet - koktajl i słomka - kupowałyśmy w bistro przy przedszkolu. Ale to zawsze był plastik.
Mimo że coraz łatwiej jest dbać o środowisko i rezygnować z plastiku, to nadal jest bardzo trudne. Dlaczego? Budowanie nowych nawyków wręcz boli. Wywołuje wyrzuty sumienia, stres, niezadowolenie z samej siebie, rozczarowanie, a czasem nawet wstyd.
W weekend kupiłam kawę mrożoną. Ale ponieważ nie wzięłam z domu swojego kubka, kupiłam w plastiku. I uwierzcie, ta kawa nie smakowała tak, jak powinna. Ja sama czułam się jak hipokrytka, która tu promuje #prostelesswaste, ale sama ma to w dupie, bo łazi po mieście z piękną mrożoną kawunią ze słomką.
Wcale nie mam w dupie. Tylko trochę ta #lesswaste logistyka mnie przerasta.
Ina mówi mi, że: maamooo, to jak z jazdą na rowerze, nikt się nie dziwi, że mam zdarte kolana, bo dopiero się uczę!
Ja też dopiero się uczę. Ze zdartymi kolanami robię Córce koktajl do słoika.
#lessplasticwaste #wasteless #zerowastefood #zerowastepolska #zerowastetips #zerowastelife #zerowastegoals #zerowastetravel #zerowastejourney #zerowasteliving #zerowastemovement #zerowasteblogger #strawberryyogurt #strawberrycocktail #metalstraw #noplastics #noplasticstraws #noplasticplease #noplasticstraw
Y’all it’s going to be HOT on the east coast this week. We typically don’t let that stop our family time outdoors, but we try to prep for it so we don’t overheat and get dehydrated.
[ad] We were gifted that gorgeous water dispenser from @primowater and it couldn’t have come at a better time for me, the hubs and our #pup. I’ve been trying to find ways to lessen our impact on the environment. Not going to lie, I was excited to find out that I could refill this bottle for .35 cents/gallon and it would save at least 1,100 single serve plastic bottles from landfills and oceans over it’s lifetime. Mindblown
Even better, Atlas can drink from the dispenser as well (swipe right to see him patiently waiting for me to give him the command to go get his water). Primo and Glacier Water are the same company, so there’s a ton of places to refill (I refilled mine at a local Walmart). At least I won’t need to worry about being hydrated during this heat wave!
#primoeffect #drinkbig #drinkhealthy #primopup
“Just one straw says 8 billion people” I love this saying that came on my #strozz metal straw package ⠀
I try to be as eco friendly as possible eliminating as much single use plastic as I can having a @strozzcom metal straw makes it easy it’s so compact that it folds right into the metal tube it comes in and it even comes with its own cleaning tool ⠀
Purchasing a strozz metal straw is the first step in creating a more eco friendly way of living which is good not only for our oceans but this whole blue planet we all call home✨ music: Bensound
Apa yang kalian lakuin pertama pas masuk ke cafe ? .
Kalau gw “nengok kanan kiri”, bukan nyari cowo ganteng Tapi gw nyari tau cafe tsb pake sedotan plastik atau engga, trus serving minuman nya pake gelas plastik atau engga. Karena ada banyak restoran yang kalaupun kita makan nya Dine In, tetep aja dikasih nya gelas plastik
Selain mau ngajak para konsumen buat selalu aware buat mengurangi penggunaan plastik, gw juga mau ngajak para produsen nih. Kalau kalian punya bisnis kuliner, resto, cafe, tolong banget kalau buat yang Dine In peralatan makan nya jangan pake plastik
@cocacola @cocacolaep @coca.cola_uk has admitted that it produces 3 million tonnes of plastic packaging a year! Come on Coca Cola, you know the adorable polar bears in you Christmas adverts? Well you’re contributing to the extinction of their species! Picture Credit; @woke_to_the_planet #saveourplanet #saveourearth #saveourseas #saveouroceans #saveourenvironment #lessplasticmoreocean #lessplasticwaste #plasticpollution #plastickills #singleuseplasticsucks #plasticalternative #reducereuserecycle #reduceplasticwaste #reducewaste #marineplastic #marineplasticpollution #sustainability #thisisnotsustainable #bethechange #makelovenotwaste #thebarefootwarrior
What are your thoughts, do you agree? @david_attenborough ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#ecoandbasics #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyproducts #sustainableliving #saynotoplastic #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #earthfriendly #noplanetb #wastefreeplanet #recycle #makesmallchanges #lessplasticwaste