sallandtrail running trailrunning hardlopen sallandseheuvelrug alwaysrunning runningman runner strava stravarun stravarunner ultrarunner ultrarunning garmin sallandtrail2019 trailrunner runnerslife runningaddict runningcommunity salland trail love2run loverunning lovetorun alwaysontherun distancerun distancerunner distancerunning garmin920xt demooiste
Yesterday was the big day! After a shitty preparation for the last 5 weeks it was time to start my first ultra run. The Sallandtrail 50K. I did not have big expectations and felt I could finish the first 25km loop. The first 2 hours flew by and went pretty good. The third hour got more difficult but I managed to pass the 25km aid station in 3 hours. So, goals met for the day I thought let's see how far I can take this and kept running. But at 30 km things got really hard and my all too well known old knee injury started playing up. I knew that at 35km there was another aid station so that became the new goal. In those last 5 km's I had to stretch my iliotibial band/hips multiple times as they were so tight that my knee locked up. At 35km I decided enough is enough and stopped.
I had an absolute blast running in Salland. Running felt good, went further than I expected and even with the stiffness and pain I could push through. Only when I thought I was injuring myself I stopped. I feel confident that without my knee I could have kept going in a decent pace.
So lessons learned. Now I know what to focus on for the next big challenge. The Buff Epic Trail in the Pyrenees. Damn I love this stuff
#fitisdeshit #trailrunning #sallandtrail #ultrarunning .
#trails #outdoor #sports #nature #running #trailrunner #freedom #raidlight #fitdutchie #fitdad #buff #buffepictrail #relentlessmind #runner #staymotivated #noexcuses
Korte Broek ❤️
. #runnergirl #runnerslife #runnerspace #runnersneed #runaddict #dailyrun #getfit #instafit #fitgirl #fitgirlsnl #fitanddutch #fitdutchbodies #fitfamnl #runnersworldnl #run2day #girlswhorun #girlslove2run #girlswithink #inked #sallandtrail #reisjefit #workoutoftheday #strava #sunset #summerbody #summeriscoming #cardiotraining #loopmaatjes #instarunners #runnersofinstagram
Heerlijk gelopen vanmorgen met de woensdag ochtend loopgroep. In een rustig tempo naar het clubhuis gerend.
Nog 3 dagen voor de Sallandtrail! De benen voelen goed. Ik heb er de volste vertrouwen in dat die 50 km trail wel gaat lukken We gaan er in ieder geval weer van genieten. Want als ik graag iets wil bereiken dan zal ik er ook voor gaan
Never give up! Be strong ---------------------------------------------------------------
#Imoveme #Justkeeprun #asicsfrontrunnernl #AsicsFrontrunner2019 #asicsfan #asicsgt2000 #Justkeeprun #asicsfan #Runkeeper #Strava #Roparun #Trailrunner #passievoorhardlopen #Runnersworldnl #marathon #marathontraining2019 #Runningmom #Rotterdammarathondeelnemers #Sallandtrail @asicsfrontrunner #liefdevoorhardlopen #ASICSfrontrunner #lopenmeteenlach #100withmo #runningwithmo #inspire2run #sportpictures
After some tough miles between 50 and 60 the last 17 of the sallandtrail where great! Enjoying the sun, nature and some music. I believe this shot was made after 70 km. After 7 hours and 56 minutes I finished this beautiful trail with a total distance 77 km and 900 dplus. Will be back next year #trailrunningviews #hardlopen #runnersofthewild #whereirun #runwithaview #ultrarunning #ultratrail #lifeisbetteronthetrails #instarunners #sallandtrail #sallandseheuvelrug #getoutside #whyirun #trailrunning #runnersworldnl
Als je me 6 jaar geleden had verteld dat ik ooit in Amersfoort zou gaan wonen, zou ik je echt voor gek verklaren.. But it’s true. Grotendeels dan.
Let’s make some positive memories ❤️
#runner #runnersofinstagram #nevernotrunning #neverstopexploring #dailyrun #strava #033runningcrew #instarunners #runnersworldnl #run2day #fitchick #fitgirlsnl #fitanddutch #fitdutchies #fitdutchbodies #fitfood #summerfeelings #summerproofbody #workoutoftheday #marathoner #marathongirl #marathontraining #runlimassol #ultrarunner #reisjefit #debesteversievanjezelf #neverquit #fitnessgirl #sallandtrail #girlswhorun
Klaar voor de Sallandtrail 75 k ! Hard voor getraind samen met @femkenee .We gaan het gewoon doen! *****************************************************#nikeplus#sallandtrail2018#sallandtrail#ultra#ultrarunning#distancerunner#trailrunning#trail#strava#instarunners#runnersworld#raidlightnederland#running#naturelover#nature#lifeisbetteronthetrails#love2run#sallandseheuvelrug#injinjisocks#suunto#fitdutchies#instagood#
Today I was at the start of my first trail run. I enjoyed the trip immensely. It feels really nice not to think about my end time. The GPS has only missed a few meters .
Official registration: 25k / 2:56:41 / 7:04 min/km . .
Het was genieten en bikkelen tegelijkertijd. Nooit geweten dat trailrunnen zo bijzonder is. De saamhorigheid lijkt nog groter dan bij een normaal evenement. Elke meter van de route was mooi en de verzorging was super goed geregeld! Continu het heuveltje op en af maakte dat de laatste loodjes best pittig waren. Zware benen van het klimmen en de klappen op de knieën van het dalen kon ik best voelen. Plezier stond vandaag echt vooraan. Een ding is zeker, dit is zeker niet mijn laatste trail . .
#nevernotrunning #running #hardlopen #runninggirl #fitdutchies #hardlopenisleuk #gezond #runninggirl #beatyesterday #runnergirl #runnersofinstagram #instarun #run #fitgirlsnl #ASICSFrontRunnerNL #runnersworldnl #runningmotivation #lovetorun #ASICSFrontRunner #fitfamnl #girlswhorun #healthy #runner #weightloss #afvallen #run2day #ASICSFrontRunner2019 #sallandtrail2019 #sallandtrail #trailrunning