spooniesupport chronicillness spoonie spoonielife chronicpain invisibleillness autoimmunedisease chronicfatigue spoonieproblems butyoudontlooksick fibromyalgia spoonies spooniewarrior spooniecommunity chronicallyill invisibleillnessawareness autoimmune chronicillnesswarrior chronicpainwarrior pain anxiety chronicpainawareness ehlersdanlossyndrome mentalhealth myalgicencephalomyelitis spoonielove spooniestrong autoimmunewarrior chronicillnessawareness spoonieproblems
Other people’s comments can be so frustrating, especially when we used our very last spoons to pull ourselves together. Remember, their lack of understanding doesn’t take away from how hard you worked to be present in that moment.
#chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #invisibleillness #invisiblefight #ra #chronicallyill #spoonie #spooniestrong #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniewarrior #butyoudontlooksick #StrongerThanYouThink
Can we please stop telling people they have to love themselves before anyone else will? Everyone has parts of themselves they’re working on, that doesn’t mean you’re not deserving of love while you’re doing so.
What about those of us suffering with physical and mental health issues? What about those of us that are struggling to accept them? What about those of us with low self esteem? Are we not worthy of love yet?
Loving yourself is a process, it’s often up and down. It’s entirely possible that someone can love you during both the ups and the downs of that process.
Sometimes I go through phases where I think I’ve accepted my chronic illnesses. During these times I like who I am, I like who I’m becoming. During these times I’m able to focus on the good parts, the parts I’m grateful for. I’m able to focus on the positive qualities my chronic illnesses have brought to my personality.
But it’s not like that all the time. Sometimes I go through phases where I cry about it every day. Sometimes I can’t help but think my chronic illnesses make me boring, that they make me rubbish company.
I don’t love myself during those times. I don’t like the person my chronic illnesses have turned me into. I’m frustrated and sad that I can’t be my full self. I might not love myself during these times but you know what? My boyfriend still does.
He reassures me the voice in my head is not truthful. He reminds me that actually I am still capable of making him smile and laugh even when I don’t feel like I am. He reminds me that I am worthy.
You do not need to reach full self-love in order to be loved. You don’t need to put on a brave face all the time. You can admit that you’re struggling, that you’re finding things hard. You can still be loved regardless.
Let’s stop pushing the idea that no one will love you until you’ve reached a certain point of self acceptance. It’s not only potentially damaging, it’s just not true.
Herbal & Gemstone Resin Blending Spoons (regular & mini) are back in stock in the shop. Lots of new herbal combinations to choose from and a few old favorites. Did I ever tell you that Sunday is my absolutely favorite day? Waking up early in the morning and going outside on Sundays the world seems even quieter than normal. For a few minutes it's almost as if I'm totally alone on this planet. I love that feeling when people are still sleeping and I'm awake. When my husband and I moved in together I know it was a little odd for him at first that I would wake up in the mornings and most of the time head outdoors. It's a way for me to ground myself after exploring dreamscapes. It centers and empowers me for the day. It's my personal meditation. What are your morning rituals? I really would like to hear them! ☀️♀️
Anyone else out there have a bit of a rough morning? ♀️
Mornings have been really difficult lately. I find it so hard to get up when I’m in so much pain. .
Before getting this sick I was always a jump up and go morning person. .
They have become a very long process for me.
How about you? What do you do that helps? How does it effect you? .
Resilience and adaptability are two of the most amazing qualities we possess. For all the times we’ve stood on the cusp of breaking beyond repair from our pain and illness, somehow we always manage to continue on, to expand our limits, to keep going through what feel like insurmountable odds. We are all warriors. Don’t ever let anyone who hasn’t experienced what we have try to take that away from you.
#chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #invisibleillness #invisiblefight #ra #chronicallyill #spoonie #spooniestrong #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniewarrior #butyoudontlooksick #StrongerThanYouThink
I made this at 2:30am. Basically my life right now after overdoing it this weekend. By overdoing it I mean working all day Friday and Saturday from home. I remember a time when that wouldn’t have phased me at all. Alas, I crashed big time yesterday, and consequently I wasn’t able to sleep when I should’ve actually been sleeping... even though I took OTC sleep meds bc I anticipated that happening. Sooo, basically I’m good for nothing all over again today, and the cycle continues. Seriously though, what are your tips on getting back on track once you’re in this cycle?
#zebrastrong #eds #ehlersdanlossyndrome #ehlersdanlos #hypermobility #hypermobilitysyndrome #hypermobileehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobileehlersdanlos #hEDS #hsd #chronicpain #chronicillness #chronicfatigue #edsawareness #spoonie #spoonielife #spoonies #spooniestrong #thespooniesisterhood #mightytogether #hanginthere #dazzletogether #zebra #invisibleillness #wherethetiredgirlsare #fatigue #butyoudontlooksick #spooniesupport #chronicillnessawareness #discoveringEDS