why are afab non-binary folx ridiculed if they present "femininely"? why am i called cis if i present too "masculinely"? our assigned genders are being pushed onto us, again! ugh! we're told that in order to be non-binary, we can't "look like our assigned genders". there's no escape! but non-binary does not mean androgyny!
the beauty of being non-binary is that we can leave society's tiny boxes of gender! that doesn't mean shoving another made up box called "androgyny" in our faces and shouting "get in or you're cis"! it doesn't mean forcing binary views of gender onto us and assuming we're in the middle! it means understanding that our genders, assigned genders, pronouns, presentations, genitals, sexualities, and personalities are totally independent of each other! femininity can coexist with masculinity and androgyny and he/she/them pronouns and beards and dresses and makeup and vulnerability... and our assigned genders don't matter! and yes, he/him lesbians are valid!
what do we call someone who only sees a binary trans person's assigned gender? or genitals? a transphobe, of course! so why is it any different for non-binary folx? it isn't! policing non-binary identities based on assigned gender or presentation is transphobic! forcing non-binary folx to look a certain way or fit into a certain box is transphobic! NON-BINARY FOLX DO NOT OWE YOU ANDROGYNY, REGARDLESS OF THEIR ASSIGNED GENDERS!
#lgbtqia #nonbinary #nonbinarypride #gender #genderidentity #agender #agenderpride #enby #afab #amab #genderfluid
p r e t t y b o i
thanks for @captain_of_my_sol for the wonderful flower crown; you certainly know how to make an stressed student feel like the fae of their dreams ✨
#flowercrown #genderfluid #demiboy #hehim #theythem #lgbtq #lgbtqia #gay #queer #nonbinary #nb #enby #transmasculine #spring #beltane
self careeeeeee
#gay #lesbian #gayaf #homosexual #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #pride #proud #trans #transgender #transgirl #transboy #bi #bisexual #pansexual #asexual #aromantic #demisexual #polysexual #queer #genderqueer #genderfluid #nb #nonbinary #enby #genderqueer #loveislove #lovewins #demigirl #demiboy