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Eric —
"I absolutely love South Africa. There’s something about the culture there, and the energy is like nothing else. So the Cape Town area was beautiful but I went on a safari in Kruger National Park that was heaven. I was living the Lion King. But - I never thought I’d be this person but I really do love Paris. Everyone’s all like ‘ooo Paris!’ and I’m like yeah because you’re a sappy romantic so that’s why you’re going to love it but then I’m there and I’m like ‘oh god, I love it!’ The art, the culture, just everything - the buildings, so beautiful.”
“You wouldn’t consider yourself a sappy romantic though?”
“I mean yeah I am, but - I’m a Leo, so - but that’s why I think I didn’t want to like Paris.”
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Shot by @komar_gda
Wybór @kubelkowaty
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Dzisiaj fotka od admina @kubelkowaty .
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