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#fitnessinstructor #fitness #workout #motivation #personaltrainer #fitnessmotivation #lifestyle #cardio #fitfam #gymlife #healthylifestyle #instafit #fitnessgirl #groupfitnessinstructor #strength #yoga #bodybuilding #bootcamp #coach #conditioning #core #fitmom #fitnesscoach #fitnesslife #fitspo #gains #girlswholift #goals

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #FITNESSINSTRUCTOR
#fitnessinstructor #fitnessinstructors #groupfitnessinstructor #fitnessinstructorproblems #fitnessinstructorlife #instructorfitness #aquafitnessinstructor #fitnessinstructortraining #fitnessinstructormalaysia #dancefitnessinstructor #fitnessinstructorslife #zumbafitnessinstructor #fitnessinstructorgoals #fitnessinstructorinthemaking #fitnessinstructorcourse #polefitnessinstructor #fitnessinstructorsofinstagram #instructoresfitness #jumpingfitnessinstructor #fitness_instructor #forcefitnessinstructor #bostonfitnessinstructor #barrefitnessinstructor #fitnessmotivationsinstructor #pregnantfitnessinstructor #fitnessinstructorforlife #fitnessinstructormom #fitnessinstructorandweights #fitnessinstructorintraining #waterfitnessinstructor #fitnessinstructorlifestyle


it’s pride, lift each other up sis ️‍. . . . also come to my PRIDE PULSE this Friday 4:30 @flywheeldc #dupont! idk maybe i’ll do a shoulder sit with u too ‍♂️ either way, move i’m gay! • • • • • •incredible 1-&-done : @osudani11. • • • • • •#flywheelsports #flywheel #flybarre #flyfit #fitness #fitdc #thefitdisrict #groupfitness #barre #barrefitness #fitnessinstructor #fitspo #fitfam #flyfam #gayfitness #gayfit #gaymuscle #gay #instagay #gaystagram #gaydc #dcgays #capitalpride #pride #pridemonth #dancer #maledancer #prideispower #nevercoast


Peach-Tree-Pose • • • • • • : @inae_yah #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogainspiration #yogateacher #motivation #fitnessmotivation #treepose #barre #whatmovesyou #fitness #fitnessinstructor #fitspo #focus #intention #wcw #humpday #happyhumpday #florida #southflorida #balance #peace #om


Happy Pride Month! ️‍ Thank you to the LGBTQIA Community for your inspiring bravery, courage and strength to be unapologetically YOU. Thank you to @soulcycle for making our classes a safe space for ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . #fitness #fitnessgoals #fitnesstips #fitinspiration #fitstagram #chicago #chitown #gyminspiration #training #triathlon #triathlete #triathlontraining #chicagotriathlon2019 #chicagotriathlon #soulcycle #soulstyle #indoorcycling #indoorcyclinginstructor #fitnessprofessional #fitnessinstructor #fitspo #turnitup #soulcycleinstructor


NEW Summer Schedule ☀️ • Check out the new Barry’s Bay Area schedule starting this weekend! I’ll see you in the Red Room FIVE days a week A few mornings starting at 5:30am, whoop! • • • : @shannonrighettistrom


A just a little something to get through your hump day


Becoming a fitness instructor has honestly been one the best things that’s happened to me! I’ve gained confidence in myself, my knowledge of teaching what I know to others, and most importantly being able to make an impact on the people in my class by helping them become a healthier version of themselves; which has been a huge goal of mine for a long time • • • • • #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslife #gymshark #gymsharkwomen #gymmotivation #fitnessinspiration #fitnessinstructor #bootcamp #bootcampinstructor #lululemon #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #fitspo #fitlife #gymwear #kathleenpostpresets


You are in control of your own life. Stay connected to your WHY, get the hell up, participate in things that rev you up, hang out with ass kickers. You know the drill. The work isn’t going to do itself. Get going today. • Schedule is live, short week. See ya soon! W: 6:30PM SL (FREE) HIGH SCHOOL RIDE F: 12PM RO | 5:30PM SL S: 1:30PM RO


••• my #fitness instructing journey all started june 5, 2016 with the completion of #cyclestar training fitness has always been a part of my life from #gymnastics training to #dance to every single sport i played growing up (swimming, volleyball, basketball, tennis, golf, track & field) and then expanding into my adult hood with dabbling in #acroyoga since 2014, becoming #fitnessleader with @pelicansdance my 3rd year with the 2014-15 team til the present, #kayaking and #paddleboarding at @bayoupaddlesports, and then of course #weighttraining along the way i created a #linkedin account and the owners of @cb_nolauptown at the time found me and sent a message to see if i had any interest in joining their team. while i had taken #indoorcycling classes since 2012 as a part of training with the #honeybees (back when the @pelicansnba were the #hornets), i was by no means an expert, i just remember always feeling like #cycling KICKED MY BUTT. so why not go for it ✊ i remember being so nervous at the #auditions but i was confident in my rhythmic ability and i guess they saw potential in that. from there we had a full weekend consisting of about 8-10 hours on the bike of training ‍♀️ I WAS HOOKED. my butt was so sore from the weekend and yet i followed my gut. my classes consistently grew and grew and has now expanded into instructing multiple forms of fitness. i am forever grateful of the chance that shirelle and joel took on me and the people i have met along the way that are now #family i want to thank all of the people that has ever taken a class from me and then written a review, good or bad (“talks too much” lol) because in the end it is self evolvement. 3 years later and i ain’t stopping yet (thanks for anyone who read this entire post) ••• #fitnessinstructor #cyclebar #uptown #nola #bigeasy #looklikeabeauty #trainlikeabeast #vsco #vscocam


This is my year. My get my sh*t together year. My self-care year. My know my worth year. My level up year. My if you aren't adding you're being subtracted year. . . . . . . #styleinspo #fitness #fitnessgirl #fitnessmotivation #aussies #brisblogger #styleblogger #fitnessblogger #forme #thisismyyear #doitforyou #blonde #fitnessinstructor #fitnessinpiration #lifestyleblogger #lifestylephotography #keepingitreal #doitforyou #healthy #healthylifestyle #goalgetter #goalsetter

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