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I’d like an Extra Floaty with a side of visibility and a small Sprite please.
#charliesflybox #charliecraven #flytying #flyfishing #flyshopsmall #charliefanboy#troutflies #umpqua_signature_designers #umpquafeathermerchants #tiedtothewater #flyfishermanmagazine #dynakingvise #drslicktools #whitingfarms #solarezflytying #naturesspiritflytying #harelinedubbin #wapsifly #stylematters #tiemcohooks #iknowcharliefncraven #flytyingaddict #flytyingjunkie #flytyingporn #flyfishingjunkie #flyfishingaddict
There was a time where on a Saturday at 7:15 PM I would be half drunk at a bar with a billiards stick in my hand, now I'm sitting at my desks tying the simplest bugs known man filling a box I really don't need but wouldn't want to be anywhere else... except hitting a spinner fall on a creek. The Joy's of growing old #flytyingjunky #flytying #trout #troutfly #troutfood #troutonthefly #flyfishpa #flyfishingaddict #flytyingaddict #paflyfishing
Our newest and most recent SBS uploaded to the Moonlit YouTube Channel tied and edited by @westtexasbugs Brown Wulff tied on ML052 check it out on our channel and see our other great patterns as well. #wickedsharp #moonlithooks #flytying #flytyingjunkie #flytyingaddict #moonlitflyfishing #moonlitlegion #moonlitleaders #furledleaders #flyfishingphotography #flyfishing #flyfishingjunkie #optoutside #flyfishingnstion #troutbum #catchandrelease #keepemwet #trout #flyfishingnation #flyfishingaddict #getoutside #getoutdoors #whatgetsyououtdoors #rainbowtrout #browntrout #troutfishing #fishing #fishinglife #rockbottomfishinggear #norvise
@veniardltd #troutflies #troutbum #fluefiske #flugfiske #flyfishing #fluebinding #flugbindning #flytying #macrophotography #macro #nikon #nikonphotography #wetfly #softhackle #fishinglife #flytyingaddict #fliegenfischen #flyfishingnation #fishing #fish #outdoors #flyfishing #flyfishingaddict #fishin #fishon #photooftheday#salmon #salmonflies
Simple spiky trout bug. Just hare fur, a hot orange spot, ribbing and 2 turns off CDC. This fly works and pulses even if stays. Trout love it and is one of the best nymph for fishing when the season stars :)