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Self & consciousness in neuroscience, meditation, and philosophy. Who's up for this topic?
This book unveils the nature of the self & the different states of consciousness (waking, hypnogagic state, dreaming, out of body experience, dying) and what constitutes what we perceived as reality.
It's based on various school of thoughts in Hinduism & Buddhism and how modern science begins to make sense of it. Since it's a philosophy book published by a university, yes, it's not an easy read But reading it is worth it. Also it'll be better if you're familiar with #carlgustavjung theory of #psyche before reading this book.
There are many important concepts such as: the self is not an entity, but a process that's always in flux + pure awareness is like a mirror who reflects everything but isn't a part of the reflection.
What fascinates me the most is the concept of #dreamyoga as a practice to cultivate meta-awareness. To be mindful while waking and to be lucid while sleeping. Then there's a part about death meditation while we prepare to enter a new stream of consciousness.
It reminds me of a documentary about #resignationsyndrome, when child immigrants enter a hibernation state but not in a comatose nor display any physical sickness. It's prevalent in Scandinavia. The parents move the muscle, feed them with liquids everyday.. They'll wake up when the stressful situation is over. What state of consciousness is that? Google it, it'll baffle you.
This one of a kind book is whimsical, in a positive way. I'm happy that I can discuss what's been boggling my mind. I hope I won't go crazy trying to understand consciousness! Looking forward to read Dennet's Consciousness Explained.
Have you ever have a unique experience in altered state of consciousness?
For exampe, I once shared about how I meditate in my sleep to make me sleep because I'm being aware that I'm awake in my sleep
Rate: 4.2/5
Level: Hard (453 pages)
Genre: Philosophy, #CognitiveScience
Recommended by @books.and.beers
#NonFictionBookClub #NonFiction #NonFictionBooks #BookReview #WakingDreamingBeing #EvanThompson #StephenBatchelor
Published in 1926 The Richest Man in Babylon has helped hundreds of thousands of people learn how to achieve financial success from famous Babylonian parables.
I started this audiobook a few weeks ago then just today there was a box of free books across from my cousin's house in Portland. I happened to find this amongst all the fiction books. I'm looking forward to taking physical notes about the takeaways from this book. ------
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How many hours a day are you able to get some deep work done?
People from Bill Gates to Steve Jobs got so good at what they do because of the deep focus they were able to summon. Cal Newport's book is all about helping you to achieve your deep work with tips and stories firsthand from people who have the experience of failure and success.
I bought this book at @powellsbooks yesterday specifically because I feel like I have been lacking on my focused work. I know that by reading this book I'll have a much better chance at achieving my big dreams. ------
Have you read Deep Work or and of Cal Newport's other books?
Follow @bookmattic for more insights into the books and experiences he's had.
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Do you like reading while flying?
Here are my awesome traveling partners other than my wife and daughter. I started in on Sapiens by @yuval_noah_harari on my flight from Surabaya to Hong Kong and will get much more reading time in on this wonderful book on my 14 hour flight from Hong Kong to LA.
The book I'm reading on my @amazonkindle is Children of Ruin the sequel to Adrian Tchaikovsky's award winning Children of Time. ------
Both are great flight partners because they immerse me in a world past and a potential world future.
Follow @bookmattic for more personal development content. ------
Buy your books from the best bookstore in Indonesia @periplusid ------
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"Începe cu de ce" e genul de carte care te face sa îți pui tot soiul de întrebări despre valori și motivații. Deși cartea în sine intra mai degrabă în categoria "o carte cu informații utile, dar care putea fi cu 50% mai scurtă", pe mine m-a inspirat serios, mai ales că am citit-o la puțin timp după ce mi-am luat #olunafarajob. Nu e neapărat o carte despre leadership, ci o carte despre cum sa te poziționezi întotdeauna pornind de la cine ești cu adevărat și, mai ales, motivul pentru care faci ceea ce faci.
Voi ce carte ați terminat ultima dată? Ce ați învățat util din ea?
I’m a little embarrassed to admit that up until last week I had never read anything by Rebecca Solnit. However, I got my act together and read three of her books over the past few days. ••• I had heard of MEN EXPLAIN THINGS TO ME, but somehow her writing had slipped past me. Of the three, my favorite was her most recent book, CALL THEM BY THEIR TRUE NAMES. ••• I would highly recommend all three of these books for those who are interested in learning more about history, politics, and sexism. She covers a lot of topics, interwoven with historical events, personal stories, and facts and statistics. ••• I know she has a number of other books, if you are a Solnit fan, any you’d recommend? ————————————————
#readtalkrepeat #rebeccasolnit #menexplainthingstome #feminism #amreading #bookstagram #librarybooks #notjustaprettybook #nonfictionbooks
Nie myślałam, że trzymanie w rękach własnej książki, będzie budziło aż takie emocje ✨ „Powstańcy” to opowieści ostatnich żyjących świadków wydarzeń sprzed 75 lat. Nie jest to jednak książka historyczna. Pokazuje przede wszystkim ludzi - ich historie, emocje i motywacje. Od 17 LIPCA - dostępna w księgarniach. | #książkapowstańcy @znakhoryzont @1944pl @tvn24newsroom #muzeumpowstaniawarszawskiego #czytaj #wydawnictwoznak #książka #książki #powstańcy #pw1944 #terazczytam #bookstagrampl #literaturafaktu #nonfictionbooks #iiwojnaswiatowa #IIWŚ #75rocznicawybuchupowstaniawarszawskiego
We’re back with our monthly #wrapup and apparently we were both in the mood for some blue books
May has been a mix of some great reads for the both of us, keeping us sane from all the work and exam stress!
Spot something you’d like to read as well?
Less : 3.5/5
The Hate U Give : 4.5/5
The Moment of Lift : 4/5
Milkman : 4/5
The Rosie Project: 4/5
It’s Not About the Burqa: 4/5
Why Do You Wear a Cheap Watch: 3/5
My Favourite Nature Stories: 4.5/5
Landour Days: 5/5
A Dog’s Journey: 3.75/5
Autumn Light : 3.5/5
Tin Man : 4/5
Unaccustomed Earth : 4/5
The Time Keeper: 3/5
Looking for the Rainbow: 5/5
How did your month fare? Found any new favourites?
#itsnotabouttheburqa #nonfictionbooks #ruskinbond #tinman #lessanovel #pulitzerprize #lgbtqbooks #milkman #annaburns #manbookerprize #womensprize #themomentoflift #thehateugive #angiethomas #therosieproject #jhumpalahiri #unaccustomedearth #mitchalbom #booksbooksbooks #readmorebooks #culturetripbooks #bookcommunity #bookflatlay #flatlaystyle #booksandtea #booksandteacups #lovebooks #lovereading #mybookfeatures
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