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Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

Kali kedua.⁣ ⁣ Bahagia rasanya karena diberikan kesempatan untuk hamil kembali. Kehamilan kali ini pun berbeda dengan sebelumnya yang melalui proses cukup panjang. Kehadiran janin dalam rahim sungguh memberikan rasa haru, bahagia dan selalu bersyukur atas nikmat yang diberikan.⁣ ⁣ Memasuki usia kandungan 39 minggu, namun belum ada tanda-tanda yang cukup jelas. Belajar dari pengalaman kelahiran anak pertama yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 31 jam, kali ini pun sudah menyiapkan fisik dan mental apabila harus melalu proses panjang lagi. Tetapi, pagi itu terasa ada air yang mengalir, “ketuban rembes”.⁣ ⁣ Sampai di RS, masih di bukaan 3. Hati berdebar, karena ketuban sudah rembes, berpacu dengan waktu. Menenangkan diri, ikhlas dengan semua jalan yang akan dilalui. Ikhlas apabila harus diambil tindakan cesar.⁣ ⁣ Sebelum sampai ke sana, dicoba induksi terlebih dahulu. Dan rasanya sungguh nikmat.. Gelombang yang datang sangat rapat dan cukup panjang, dan sejam berlalu rasa ingin mengejan sudah hadir. Ternyata bukaan lompat menjadi 9, perasaan bahagia pun hadir kembali karena sebentar lagi ketemu.⁣ ⁣ Akhirnya suara tangisan itu pun terdengar, sakit yang datang selama 1 jam terbayar tak kala ia lahir ke dunia. Sungguh kelahirannya membuat diri semakin belajar sabar, kuat dan tegar.⁣ ⁣ Ayo para Ibu, persiapkan dengan baik. Ikuti suara hatimu, sampaikan ke suami apa keinginanmu.⁣ ⁣ #bukaanmoment #ceritabukaan #rayakanjadiibu #birthvideo #gentlebirth #lahirnyaman

Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

Millicent is now just over 5 months old. My body has gone through so many changes in the last year, I have a totally new body! How wonderfully lucky I was to feel her grow inside my tummy, to experience her birth, and to be on this wonderful breastfeeding journey with her. I can honestly say, my body is marvellous and I’m embracing all of the changes. It does help when your husband says “You’ve gone from having an awesome body, to having an awesome body” Image unknown . . #placentapractice #pregnantlife #newborn #newbornbaby #babyphotography #pregnancystyle #pregnancybeyond #pregnancyproblems #pregnancylife #pregnancyblog #pregnancyjourney #pregnancyphotography #pregnancyglow #pregnancyfitness #blessed #ttc #fertility #empoweredbirth #birthmatters #birthwithoutfear #gentlebirth #naturalchildbirth #birthisbeautiful #positivebirth #thisisbirth #birthphotography #givingbirth #waterbirth

Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

. Primeira “selfoot” da vida! . Gente, fala sério! Esse pezinho enrugadinho é a coisa mais fofa! Dá dois cliques no meio dele pra vc ver! ❤️☺️☺️ . . #fotosdeparto #littlefoot #babyborn #fotografiadeparto #partoseguro #recemnascidos #maternidade #gentlebirth #bnwmagic #bnwphoto #pregnantphotography #partohumanizado #baby

Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

Do you guys believe coincidences are nothing more than luck or do you believe that they have a meaning? Because a crazy coincidence happened to me yesterday. As some of you know, I‘m currently getting my health coach certificate at @nutritionschool and while I was going through my school’s facebook group to see with who I could practice some more health histories with, I saw a familiar face in the comments. I was like "huh I know her from somewhere" and so I clicked on her profile and noticed that I actually knew this person from a youtube video that she had done! And not just any kind of video but a video where she shared about her painfree birth story. It was one of the first videos I watched on youtube when I found out that I was pregnant and was looking for positive birth videos. Anyway seeing that this person was in the same school + class as I am, was like wow! what a coincidence, especially because her birth story truly inspired me to dig deeper into learning more about a peaceful & calm birth and that‘s how I ended up finding Hypnobirthing! And did I already mentioned that she’s also a vegan! We ended up connecting and she coached me through some stuff that I would like to work on in my life and I did the same for her. It was so so lovely and again, just such a big coincidence that made me believe that the universe planned this!✨✨✨ ~ My white gown is from @coven_and_co Shot by @mariafornieles ~ #veganpregnancy #hypnobirthing #peacefulbirth #gentlebirth #homebirth #calmbirth #veganmom #27weekspregnant #dueinoctober #veganbaby #coincidence

Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

História linda de ser lida Relatos de parto pelo SUS @Regrann from @maiafotografiadeparto - O dia amanheceu lindamente na suíte dona Beija, deu-se a troca de plantão e a enfermeira @paulajmrocha e a pediatra @gabiamont assumiram a assistência ao parto da Kerollen e que presença reconfortante das duas! Kerollen, pelo inchaço e peso de uma gestação de dois bebês grandes, estava com a mobilidade comprometida, mas encontrava posições que conseguia se sentir mais confortável para lidar com as contrações. Em uma dinâmica de contrações perceberam que as contrações estavam muito curtinhas, durando menos de 20 segundos e, por isso, não estavam sendo efetivas para a modificação do colo, apesar de Kerollen já sentir os puxos, aquela vontade involuntária de empurrar da fase expulsiva. Ainda que com a dilatação completa, Francisco ainda tinha que descer pelo canal de parto e foi indicado o uso de ocitocina para intensificar as contrações e auxiliar na fase final do nascimento. A ocitocina é um hormônio naturalmente produzido pelo corpo, e foi administrada a ocitocina sintética em dosagens baixas e, aos poucos, foram aumentando - dessa maneira, é possível lidar com as contrações mais intensas sem analgesia. O protocolo do hospital Sofia para partos que fujam do risco habitual (baixo risco) é que o parto não ocorra na água, por isso a banheira foi utilizada apenas como método não farmacológico de alívio da dor. Quando o nascimento do primeiro bebê se aproximou, ela foi orientada a sair da banheira e escolheu a banqueta, com apoio da sua esposa nas costas para poder receber o Francisco. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #partonormal #partogemelar #partohumanizado #partorespeitoso #birth #birthphotographer #birthphotography #labor #pregnancy #fotografiadeparto #maiafotografias #nascimento #fotografiadenascimento #gentlebirth #boraparir #naturalbirth #partonatural #birthphotogs #lgbt

Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

Janin. Mahluk Kecil Rapuh dan mungil. Hadir di dalam Kehidupan ayah dan bunda. . Penuhi aku dengan kasih dan sayang . #hypnobirthingindonesia #hypnobirthingClass #hypnobirthing #hamilnyaman #melahirkanNyaman #enjoypregnancy #enjoybirthing #GentleBirth #orgasmicbirth #birth #weekendclass #kelasibuhamil #hypnobreastfeeding #birthpartner #birthprocess #hypnobirthingworkshop #hypnobirthingJakarta #menyusuilancar #doulajakarta #doulaindonesia #bidanindonesia #bidanjakarta #prenatalgentleyoga #prenatalgentleyogajakarta #prenatalyogajakarta #prentatalyogaprivate #hypnofertility #pregnantmom

Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

When my mother was pregnant With her second child i was four I pointed at her swollen belly confused at how My mother had gotten so big in such a little time My father scooped me in his tree trunk arms and Said the closest thing to god on this earth Is a woman’s body its where life comes from And to have a grown man tell me something So powerful at such a young age Changed me to see the entire universe rested at my mother’s feet. - @rupikaur_ #repost @t.radz

Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

O App GentleBirth para gestantes é destaque no site do UOL hoje! Leia a reportagem completa acessando o LINK na bio Por Giovanna Balogh . #gentlebirth #gentlebirthbrasil #appparagestantes #aplicativo #uol #gestação #gestante

Хештеги на тему #GENTLEBIRTH

Effective breathing during labour and birth will help you to focus, remain in control and provide your uterus with enough oxygen to contract well. This in turn will help the birthing process. . Up breathing: When you are having contractions, breathe in deeply thtough your nose slowly (count to a comfortable number in your head, perhaps 7 or 8) without holding your breath and then breathe out slowly through your mouth to the same count (or whatever feels comfortable to you) keep repeating these breaths until the contraction ends. . At some point you will start to transition into the second stage when your cervix is fully dilated and the head is really low. If the head is low enough, you should start feeling an involuntary urge to push. At this point you need to start down breathing. This is a gentle way of birthing your baby as opposed to being directed, holding your breath and pushing for your life! Guiding pushing may be necessary however if you have an epidural as you won't feel where to push. Down breathing during the second stage is similar to up breathing but you inhale through the nose quicker. Perhaps to the count of 3. When you breathe out through your mouth, you allow the natural pushing urge to take over. Breathing this way can also help to prevent tearing and burst blood vessels in your eyes! . . . . . . . . . #hypnobirthing #birth #pregnancy #birthwithoutfear #gentlebirth #birthpartner #hypnobirth #positivebirth #hypnobirthingclass #doula #childbirth #empoweredbirth #pregnant #waterbirth #hypnobirthingindonesia #doula #prenatalgentleyoga #hypnobreastfeeding #birthprocess #orgasmicbirth #enjoybirthing #mindfulness #enjoypregnancy like #relax #baby #meditation #pilates #yoga #bhfyp

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