graciekids gracieteens graciebjj graciejiujitsu jiujitsu antibullying atividadefisica complexograciehumaitafortaleza defensoresdoescudoamarelo defesapessoal defesapessoalgracie gmheliogracie graciebabies graciehumaitacentro graciehumaitafortaleza gracielifestyle jiujitsufeminino mestrerolkergracie mestreroylergracie mestreterencioabreu planodeaulasemanal posicaodasemana selfdefense somostodosgraciehumaita graciehumaita capoeiraejiujitsu graciebaby granjavianna graciehumaitafortaleza
Our kids actually love these rainy days during the school days. All their accumulated energy is well spent on the mats. Coach @christopher.a.collis is demonstrating a guard full sequence from the 2 on 1 grip at the Gracie Teens Class .
Video: @odair_p_junior .
#schoolholidays #activitiesforkids #kidsbjj
#graciefamily #graciejiujitsu #graciesydney #graciehumaita #graciebjj #bjj #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #ibjjf #blackbelt #graciegirls #jiujitsulifestyle #jiujitsuforall #jiujitsuparatodos #graciekids #sydney #australia #gracieteens
Some of our Gracie Kids and staff supporting #ppp4spa this weekend. Our kids and teens showed their BJJ skills and wowed the crowd at this event. Students came from our branches throughout Sydney to compete at this internal competition and enjoyed a day of Jiu Jitsu, good vibes and community! #graciekids #gracieteens #kidsbjj #youngchamps #ausbjjfuture #ycth