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Хештеги на тему #GREEKHISTORY

A bronze 'Corinthian' helmet (6-5th century BCE). Olympia Archaeological Museum. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (Image by Mark Cartwright)

Хештеги на тему #GREEKHISTORY

Τὴν ἒφτιαξαν ἒτσι γαλανὴ γιὰ ν' ἀντισταθμίζη τοὺς τυχὸν μουντοὺς οὐρανούς μας, τὴν ἒφτιαξαν ἒτσι γαλανὴ γιὰ νὰ ἐπαναχρωματίζη τοὺς τυχὸν μουντοὺς οὐρανούς μας. Κ.Μ. Χρόνια πολλά Έλληνες! #greecetravelgr1_ #greecelover_gr #roundphot0 #exquisite_greece #expression_greece #kings_greece #super_greece #colors_of_greece #tv_greece #walkingreece #adoregreece #eros_greece #athens #greece #greekhistory #greekflag #mysticpeople #life_portraits #life_greece #urban_greece #streets_and_transports #allstreetshots #streets_in_greece #streetsofgreece #travelworld_addiction #streetart_addiction #travel_greece #ig_greece #perfect_greece #besteuropephotos

Хештеги на тему #GREEKHISTORY

ΑΓΙΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ο TPOΠΑΙΟΦΟΡΟΣ Ο Προστάτης του Στρατού Ξηράς. #Ελλάς #Ορθοδοξία #Εκκλησία #Αναμνήσεις #EasternOrthodox #Byzantine #Byzantium #greekarmy #greekorthodox #GreekHistory #Orthodox #OrthodoxChurch #Orthodoxy #Μακεδονία #MacedoniaIsGreek #Ελλάδα #Ecclesia #Αγιογραφία #Χριστιανισμός #Ιησούς #Χριστός #Θεός #Θρησκεία #iconography

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#greekhistory #ancientgreece #ancientmonuments #wu_greece #discover_geeece #exquisite_greece #kings_greece #athensvoice #super_greece #my_greece #my_travelimages #eros_greece #travel_greece #perfect_greece #hellenicmuseumofmichigan #jaw_dropping_shots

Хештеги на тему #GREEKHISTORY

Greek Warrior ⚔️ #gorgonathena #greekmythology #mythology #greekmyths #myths #greekhistory #greekwarrior #greekgod #ancient #ancientgreece #greece #greek #athens #spartan #sword #shield #battle

Хештеги на тему #GREEKHISTORY

NEW MAP: Europe 1821: Greek War of Independence (22 Apr 1821) https://buff.ly/2VoOFy7 In 1814 a secret organization called the Filiki Eteria was formed to liberate Greece from centuries of Ottoman rule. The revolution began in early 1821, with rebellions in Moldavia and Wallachia (which were ruled by Greek princes). By March the revolution had spread to Greece itself, where Greek nationalists gained control of most of the country by the end of the year. #europe #history #welovemaps #map #1820s #1821 #april #april22 #austria #europeanhistory #fikilieteria #greekhistory #greekindependence #ottomanempire #eteria #moldavia #wallachia #maps #newmap #newmaps #welovehistory #19thcentury #historyteacher #historygeek #historybuff #historynerd #historyofgreece #revolutions #cartography #nationalism

Хештеги на тему #GREEKHISTORY

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Хештеги на тему #GREEKHISTORY

The Pyrrhic Victory ➖ Pictured above is an illustration by @historicamente_correcto depicting the aftermath of a battle in the Pyrrhic War. The term "Pyrrhic victory" has its origins in antiquity, more specifically the campaigns of the Greek king Pyrrhus of Epirus against the Roman Republic, 280-275 BC, a conflict that ended up also drawing in Carthage as Pyrrhus invaded Sicily, wanting to use it as a launch pad for a campaign to North Africa. --- Pyrrhus fought two battles against the Romans shortly after landing in Italy: Heraclea in 280 BC and Asculum in 279 BC. For the latter battle there is much disagreement among our sources over who actually won (Dio says Rome won, Plutarch and Hieronymus says the Greeks) or whether it was a draw (Dionysius), but it is agreed nevertheless among modern historians that Pyrrhus won both encounters. He was eventually defeated in 275 BC. --- Although Pyrrhus won both battles, they had been extremely close-run affairs and at Heraclea Pyrrhus even nearly got himself killed as his cavalry was on the verge of being routed by the Roman horse. At Heraclea Dionysius claims that the Romans lost 15,000 men, while the Greeks lost 13,000, with Hieronymus reducing the numbers to 7,000 Romans and 4,000 Greeks. At Asculum Dionysius claimed both sides lost a total of 15,000 men, while Hieronymus says the Romans lost 6,000 and the Greeks 3,505 according to Pyrrhus' memoirs. --- Regardless of which number is more true the casualties attest to the closeness of the fighting, especially since most losses for the defeated Romans would have come at the end of the battles during the enemy pursuit. After the victory at Asculum, according to Plutarch, one of Pyrrhus' officers congratulated him on his success, to which Pyrrhus grimly replied: "If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined." It is from this semi-legendary event that the term "Pyrrhic victory" comes from, describing a victory won at too great a cost. --- #Rome #Roma #RomanArmy #RomanLegion #RomanRepublic #SPQR #Greece #Hellas #AncientGreece #Epirus #PyrrhusOfEpirus #History #RomanHistory #GreekHistory #AncientHistory #MilitaryHistory #PyrrhicVictory

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