greenwoodbrooklyn parkslope sunsetpark greenwood tasting winetasting oenology oenologie redwine cocktails bartenderlife oenophile winelife whitewine craftspirits mixology winelifestyle brooklyn smallbatch italianwine chardonnay organicwine southslope brooklyndentist flatbush gowanus greenwoodcemetery kinderee nywine sunsetpark
Day 8 Book.
My first trip to Greenwood, consisted of a hit list of who’s who and must sees. Preceding trips, we really just moseyed around, randomly deciding left or right. I was absolutely thrilled to discover this circular area, with very old colonial stones in a circle. Some in other languages. This memorial was located in this area - the areas name escapes me right now. An absolute thrill. How many of you get excited like a kid at some of your finds?!
@the.grim.views .
#31daysofgraves #cemetery #graveyard #tombstone #gravestone #headstone #statue #statuary #cemeterystatues #reading #book #gravestoneart #gravestonesymbolism #finalrestingplace #taphophilia #taphophile #graveyardlovers #cemeteryexplorer #graveyardexploring #cemeteryphotography #cemeteryphotographer #greenwoodcemetery #greenwoodbrooklyn #greenwoodcemeterybrooklyn #brooklyn