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In 1866, Gustave Courbet painted “L’origine du monde”, but owned privately by psychoanalyst Jaques Lacan and kept behind curtains, it wasn’t known to the public for many decades. The painting was a reaction to the way eroticism was depicted in western art until then: while art was often heavily loaded with erotic symbolism, to show sexuality remained a taboo–the erotic had to be set apart from the sexual, which was perceived as vulgar. And despite Courbet’s revolutionary painting, this didn’t change until the 1960’s, when finally artists–both female and male–started to make sexuality itself a subject of their work. In his essay "Vermutungen über den sexuellen Körper in der Kunst", author and art journalist Ulf Erdmann Ziegler writes about the depiction of the sexual body in western visual art, and the obstacles artists still face when dealing with sexuality and the human body.
Hit the link in the bio to read the full essay on our website! (The essay is in German)
Image: Gustave Courbet “L’origine du monde”, 1866, on view at @museeorsay, Paris
#gustavecourbet #monopolmagazin #ulferdmannziegler #jaqueslacan #lorginedumonde
"Le Désespéré 2019" ⚠️
Mai 2019.
3,20 x 9m.
Paris 18ème.
Reprise de l'autoportrait de #GustaveCourbet réalisé dans sa jeunesse vers 1845.
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Giuseppe Bezzuoli, Eva tentata dal serpente/ Eve tempted by the Snake 1853 Galleria d’arte moderna di #PalazzoPitti #GAM #PittiPalace
Presentato oggi un felice acquisto per le Gallerie degli Uffizi: un’opera tarda di #GiuseppeBezzuoli, protagonista della Restaurazione in Toscana. Del dipinto si erano perse le tracce dopo la morte del pittore, nonostante il grande clamore suscitato all’Esposizione Universale di Parigi nel 1855: giudizi contrastanti furono formulati sull’opera, dall’ammirazione per il magistrale uso del colore, all’apprezzamento “dell’inebriata voluttà ispirata da un sogno d’amore”, sino alle accuse di volgarità e superficialità. L’episodio biblico si riduce qui ad un puro pretesto, poiché più che di una Eva, la donna ha l’atteggiamento lascivo e lo sguardo ammiccante di una seducente bagnante o di una Venere, accostabile, per la verità delle carni e l’opulenza delle forme, ma soprattutto per il punto di vista quasi voyeuristico assunto dal pittore, alle moderne e più libere Baigneuses di #GustaveCourbet, presentate in quegli anni al Salon parigino.
E N G An important purchase for the Uffizi Galleries’ collection has been presented today: a late work by the master of the Restoration period in Tuscany, Giuseppe Bezzuoli. After Bezzuoli’s death, the painting got lost despite of the clamour aroused around it at the 1855 Universal Expo in Paris: it was praised because of the absolute beauty of its colours and the perfect representation of “pleasure inspired by a dream of love”, though it was also accused of vulgarity and superficiality. The biblical episode is a pretext indeed: this seductive Eve looks like a Venus of an ancient painting, or a modern bather like Gustave Courbet's ones, presented at the Paris Salon in 1853.
#Romanticismo #Romantic
The @nationalportraitgallery has announced their Autumn 2019 exhibition programme, which includes the first exhibition situating leading contemporary artist #ElizabethPeyton within the historical tradition of portraiture.
Peyton treats her subjects with a distinctive intimacy, whether they are friends, historical figures, or cultural icons. Portraits on display from her diverse and ever-expanding repertoire of recurring subjects will include #KurtCobain , #LiamGallagher , #FridaKahlo , #Napoleon , Queen Elizabeth II, #DavidBowie and #DavidHockney among others. Peyton has made also made portraits after works by artists including #LeonardodaVinci , #EugèneDelacroix , #GustaveCourbet and #EdwardBurneJones , which will be included in the exhibition.
Peyton’s recent works, derived both from life and from an increasingly wide range of secondary sources, including film, literature, music, visual art and opera, demonstrate how the artist has embraced a more expansive and abstract definition of portraiture over the last decade. The exhibition will look at the evolution of Peyton’s practice, exploring her unique aesthetic and her interrogation of perception, emotion and human relationships.
Image: The Age of Innocence by Elizabeth Peyton 2007 Courtesy The Brant Foundation, Greenwich, CT. USA © Elizabeth Peyton. Courtesy the artist
Feliz dia das mães ♥️
L'Origine du monde (A origem do mundo).
Pintura de Gustave Courbet (1886).
Por @joaomontanaro
Siga @tirinhasnoinsta .
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Quan tens una idea d’un tattoo i va @andrea.m0rales i supera qualsevol expectativa ❤️ L’origen del món és una pintura de Gustave Courbet que sempre m’ha fascinat, ja siga pel seu realisme com pel seu caràcter irreverent per a l’època. Fou la primera representació d’una vagina com a tal en la història i això ja en si és molt significatiu per a mi. Però més enllà, per a mi és l’empoderament femení (també incloent als homes amb vagina), la lluita per la censura dels nostres cossos, homenatge a totes les mares... i un llarg etcètera. #art #tattoo #andreamorales #tatuajes #elorigendelmundo #lorigendumonde #tatuagens #gustavecourbet #arte #tinta #tattoed #lovetattoos #lovingtattoos