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If you can’t be a pencil to write anyone’s happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove their sadness.
#fitness #fitnessmotivation #fit #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitlife #gym #gymmotivation #gymlife #gymshark #binaragaindonesia #binaragawan #bodygoals #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #indonesia #men #menpsyhique #semangatpagi #bicepworkout #friends #samarinda #eastborneo #gymmaniac #gymnusantara
Gym time
Di dunia gym pasti ada kalanya kita bosan dengan cara latihan sepertu itu saja,
Jadi variasi gerakan lah yang mesti kita ubah - ubah,
Oke salam olahraga dan jangan pernah bosan ya gaes latihan
I don't upload selfies on feed in general, BUT... A happy "fitness condition" selfie won't kill nobody
Condition check: today, 5th December 2018
Swipe left to see same pic without color toned (according to Insta feed)
#fitness #fitnessmotivation #fit #selfie #gymmotivation #gymmaniac #fitlifestyle #healthyfood #healthylifestyle
Gym tanpa suplement bagaikan kopi tanpa gula. PAHIITT..gaes. jadi otot gak cuma dirusak sj, tapi harus di kasih nutrisi. Nah Ini adalah rahasia saya mendapatkan massa otot yang tebal dan lean. Sy rutin minum susu whey protein GAINER Real Mass Gain dri @official_drnutrition. @doctornutrition.indo sebelum dan sesudah gym. Dengan berbagai rasa yang enak.karena saya suka buah pisang, jdi sy pilih rasa ini. Dijamin tidak eneg. Info DM Sj.. @official_drnutrition @doctornutrition.indo
@official_drnutrition @doctornutrition.indo
#gymmaniac #indofitnes88 #muscles #muscle #asianboy #fitnesmania #gymnasticbodies #suplement #wheyprotein #gainer #drnutrition
Saturday motivation
After a long time full of insecurities I managed to go back to the gym doring the day
I'm proud of myself for keeping my anxiety under control
I love taking videos and pictures of me doing different exercises but never had the courage to post them . So another insecurity smashed
Here is a quick video :
- DB sumo squats
- Kneeling squats
- Cable kick backs
3 sets of 15 reps .
Now that I learned how to use my camera properly more videos will follow ❤️
Coached by @teamnadinefitness
#gyminspiration #gymmaniac #gymmotivation #nevergiveup #gymfreak #gymrat #happiness #staymotivated #stayhealthy #bikinicompetitor #bikinigirl #competitionprep #goals #insecurities #feelings #anxiety #loveyourself @allbodysociety @liftatics