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Healthy Vegan Cookies by @simplyquinoa SAVE FOR LATER
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Cookies à la Farine de Pois Chiche juste Délicieux! Une des Meilleures Recette que j’ai testé. Recette trouver sur le site de @saindelicieux Une Recette à base de Farine de Pois Chiche, Chocolat Noir, Huile de Coco, Sucre de Coco, & Sirop d’Agave.. #Pertedepoids #PerdreDuPoids #Poids #Reequilibragealimentaire #MangerSain #RecetteSaine #HealthyCookies #MangerSainement #EatClean #Weightloss #Healthy #Regimeuse #MaigriravecPlaisir #MinciravecPlaisir #EquilibreAlimentaire #WW #WeightWatchers #WeightWatchersFrance #Communautéww
Gimme a YES if you love cookies! I always battle between wanting to eat all the cookies and wanting to eat healthy. But with these PALEO BANANA COOKIES, I don't have to choose. And neither do you! They are made with all good for the body ingredients and satisfy all cookie cravings. Now you can have your cookie can eat it too!⠀⠀
Grab the recipe here:⠀⠀
#cookies #healthycookies #vegan #paleo #glutenfree #cookietime #healthy #bananacookies ⠀⠀
Tiempo de elaboración: 25 minutos
Dificultad: media-baja
Hace tiempo que no os traigo una receta dulce, pero en cuanto probé cómo habían quedado, supe que tenía que compartir la receta de estas galletas con vosotr@s cuanto antes ❤️ son una delicia.. 100% saludables pero, ¡no os las comáis todas de una sentada! TENÉIS QUE PROBARLAS! •
1. Una taza de harina de avena (o copos de avena triturados), en caso de intolerancias o sensibilidad al gluten podéis utilizar cualquier harina integral (trigo sarraceno, harina de garbanzos, harina de avena #singluten , etc)
2. 1/4 de taza de cacao puro en polvo desgrasado
3. 1 cucharadita de canela
4. 1 cucharadita de levadura química
5. 3 cucharadas de bebida vegetal sin azúcar (yo he utilizado bebida de avena)
6. 3 cucharadas colmadas de crema de cacahuete
7. 3 cucharadas colmadas de pasta de dátiles
8. Una pizca de sal
9. Dos cucharadas de chocolate 82% cacao derretido
10. Cacahuetes picaditos y crema de cacahuete para decorar ❤️
1. Precalentar el horno a 180grados
2. En un bol grande mezclar todos los ingredientes secos, y en otro mezclar el resto de ingredientes (crema de cacahuete, bebida vegetal, chocolate negro derretido y pasta de dátiles) ayudarse de un procesador de alimentos si es necesario
3. Verter los ingredientes húmedos sobre los secos y mezclar bien
4. Preparar la bandeja de horno con papel vegetal y darles forma: hacer bolitas con la masa y aplastarlas sobre el papel de horno separadas unas de otras para que se quede la forma que buscamos
7. Hornear durante 12-14 minutos (controlar a partir de los 10 minutos para que no se quemen)
8. Dejar enfriar y decorar ¡A DISFRUTAR! •
NUTRITRUCO: A veces el cuerpo nos pide un capricho, y ¿por qué no dárselo? Eso sí, guarda este tipo de recetas y prepara alguna una vez a la semana evitando que tus antojos se cubran con alimentos 0 nutritivos, ultraprocesados y perjudiciales ❤️
Y tú, ¿a quién se las vas a preparar?
Grilled Chili Cilantro Lime Chicken! .
Do you know that if you work in harmony with your body’s natural processes it’s entirely possible to lose a whopping 14 pounds of deadly body fat in 14 days? Sounds crazy? It’s not, and here’s why… Click the link in bio @__sommer_ray__ to get more information. This is powerful. Use with caution
✨What you need:
4 medium chicken breasts, boneless, skin-less (or thighs)
¼ cup fresh lime juice
zest of one lime (or 1 tsp)
2 tbsp olive oils
2 tbsp fresh chopped cilantro
2 garlic cloves, chopped finely
1 tsp salt
1 tsp brown sugar (or honey)
1 tsp red chilli flakes (adjust to taste)
½ tsp ground Cumin
How you make it:
Whisk the ingredients for the marinade in a small bowl.Place chicken in a large plastic bag or bowl and add the marinade to the chicken.Mix to combine.Seal bag or cover bowl with plastic bag and place in the fridge to marinate for 30 minutes or up to 24 hours.
Pre-heat grill, pan or griddle to medium-high heat.Grill chicken fillets for 5 minutes on each side or until cooked through and the skin is golden and lightly charred.Rest for 5 minutes then slice and serve on salad, rice, noodles, or tortillas.Garnish with chopped cilantro and enjoy!
Credits: @gimmedelicious
#weightlossfamily #weightlossgoal #weightlossadvice #weightlossfoods #weightlosswarrior #healthycookies #healthyforlife #healthychef #healthyeatingideas #healthymorning #healthylunchideas #slimmingworldweightloss #weightlossmission
What if there was a common spice you could add to your favorite morning beverage that would burn away an average of 1 POUND a day for 21 days without even exercising?... That’s exactly what’s happening every day for folks using this brand new trick…
Use this fat-burning spice with care & drop 1bs per day Click the link in bio @__sommer_ray__ to get more information. This is powerful. Use with caution.
✨Serves: 4
Dressing / Marinade:
⅓ cup honey
3 tablespoons whole grain mustard
2 tablespoons smooth and mild Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon minced garlic
Salt to season
4 skinless and boneless chicken thighs or chicken breasts
For Salad:
¼ cup diced bacon, trimmed of rind and fat
4 cups Romaine lettuce leaves, washed
1 cup sliced grape or cherry tomatoes
1 large avocado, pitted and sliced
¼ cup corn kernels
¼ of a red onion, sliced
Whisk marinade / dressing ingredients together to combine. Pour half the marinade into a shallow dish to marinade the chicken fillets for two hours if time allows. Refrigerate the reserved untouched marinade to use as a dressing.
Heat a nonstick pan (or grill pan or skillet) over medium heat with about a teaspoon of oil and sear / grill chicken fillets on each side until golden, crispy and cooked through. (Grill in batches to prevent excess water being released.) Once chicken is cooked, set aside and allow to rest.
Wipe pan over with paper towel; drizzle with another teaspoon of oil and fry the bacon until crispy.
Slice chicken into strips and prepare salad with leaves, tomatoes, avocado slices, corn, onion strips and chicken.
Whisk 2 tablespoons of water into the remaining untouched marinade / dressing and drizzle over the salad. Sprinkle the bacon over the top and season with a little extra salt and cracked pepper (optional).
Credits: @cafedelites
#weightlossfamily #weightlossgoal #weightlossadvice #weightlossfoods #weightlosswarrior #healthycookies #healthyforlife #healthychef #healthyeatingideas #healthymorning #healthylunchideas #slimmingworldweightloss #weightlossmission
Galletas saludables de coco y plátano. Sin azúcar, sin huevo, sin harinas. Mi pequeñín os muestra estas galletas de sólo 2 ingredientes y muy fáciles de elaborar Necesitáis mezclar un plátano maduro grande hecho puré con un tenedor y 3/4 de taza de coco rallado eco. Formáis las galletas con la ayuda de una cuchara (que os queden finitas), y horno a 180* 15min aprox. Gracias a @carobaezb por decubrirnos recetas tan saludables y ricas!!!
#cuquisrecetas #vegan #vegano #sinlactosa #singluten #yummy #instafood #instagood #comidareal #realfooding #lactosefree #glutenfree #healthy #saludable #rubicity #photofood #cookies #galletas #desayuno #merienda #breakfast #coconut #banana #fit #healthycookies #realfooder