heartfulnessmeditation heartfulness meditation practiceheartfulness медитацияонлайн rnd161 rostov rostov_vkadke v_rostove61 азов вростове дон рнд ростов ростов161 ростов_на_дону ростовгород ростовдон ростовмойгород ростовнадону ростовнаш ростовпапа ростовскаяобласть медитациякаждыйдень обучениемедитации медитациядляначинающих yoga медитациянасердце 90daysofheartfulness
When your object of meditation is unlimited, your exclusive awareness encompasses the limitless totality of existence. Everything is included in such awareness. Nothing can escape it. But does this mean that you are simultaneously aware of each person in the world, of every dog and cow, of every particle in the universe? No! The awareness we gain in meditation is not an awareness of diversity in its various forms. Rather it is of oneness. It is an awareness of the Whole, of the totality. If the Whole has any quality at all, it is Being. It is pure presence, pure existence, and we are also a part of that. You cannot separate from it. It is not as if you stand upon some mountaintop, gazing down at the infinite! Rather, you become it. You are that, but you will not realize this because in the infinite you have melted away. If you are no longer there, who will perceive this truth? Now the knower dissolves in the knowing. The drop merges in the ocean.
Excerpt taken from the book The Heartfulness Way Page 33.
Street art on the apartment photographed by me in Miami Florida.
#streetart #streetartistry #streetartists #mural #painting #forestnymph #book #bookexcerpt #bookexcerpts #bookstagram #instagram #words #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #wordsaboutlife #meditation #spirituality #miamistreetart #blue #turquoise #miami #miamiflorida #florida #excerpts #reader #readers #readersofinstagram #readersofinsta #heartfulnessmeditation
When we are totally at rest in the heart, something special happens-something sacred, actually. In nature, seeds germinate in the womb of Mother Earth because of the comfort they find there. In this comfort, they split open and shed their protective layer. Why? Because they sense the protection of the Earth surrounding them. When we experience that same level of comfort and protection in the womb of the heart, the divine seed starts to open, and from that seed, a new spiritual life gradually emerges. We now start to experience a completely new spectrum of consciousness.
Excerpt taken from The Heartfulness Way Page 30.
Art photographed by me at @meow__wolf .
#meditation #book #bookexcerpt #excerpt #excerpts #heartfulness #heartfulnessmeditation #booklover #booklove #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #words #wordsofwisdom #wordsofencouragement #wordstoliveby #art #artlove #artlover #artinstallation #meowwolf #neon #neonlights #magical #mystical #whimsical #artsy #arts #gypsy #gypsyliving
I’ve gotten out of the habit of reading consistently, so I’ve been challenging myself to read at least five books each month. These are the books that I’m reading in June! I finished ‘The Sun Is Also A Star’ earlier this week — it was FANTASTIC, and reminded me about how magical teenage love can feel. .
What are some books that you guys have been reading recently? Let me know — I’m always looking for recommendations! I’ve got the day off today, so I’m looking forward to hiding in a park somewhere and reading. Happy Friday, friends — have a great weekend! With Love., Mamata ✨
#bookstagram #books #bookshelf #summerreading #summerreadinglist #nyc #nycphotography #thesunisalsoastar #presence #geniusfoods #mortalbeings #theempathyexams #selfcare #selfempowerment #selflove #learning #90daysofheartfulness #meditation #heartfulnessmeditation #heartfulness
No lengthy caption today. Just feeling content. Tell me something good that’s happening in your life! Happy #WellnessWednesday, friends! ☀️✨ : @annikasharma .
#heartfulness #heartfulnessmeditation #heartfulnessmeditationtrainer #nyc #nycblogger #meditate #meditation #nycblogger #iamwellandgood #intention #intentionsetting #90daysofheartfulness #wellnesswednesday #wellness #wellnessblogger #wednesday #wednesdaymotivation #selfempowerment #selflove #selfcare #content #photo #nyc #happiness #sunshine #summer
So. I am TERRIBLE at pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
I like to play it safe. I have a tendency to stay in my own lane mostly out of fear of failure. Most of the time, it takes someone or something pushing me to do something I normally wouldn’t do.
Example: My friend suggested that we do a SoulCycle class together. I had all of the excuses ready in my head not to do it, and up until the last minute, I was secretly hoping he would change his mind about going. But somehow, I found myself in class at 8:30 on Saturday morning.
I hated it for the first 15 minutes: the pace was intense & I was conscious of how in shape everyone there was (and how very out of shape I am). But as I started to find my rhythm, I was able to keep up with everyone in the class. By the end of it, I realized that not only was I enjoying myself, but I also felt GOOD. So good that I’m doing another class this week. :)
I know this sounds like SUCH a silly example. But everyone has those things that maybe want to do, but are hesitant to try. And while that’s okay, wouldn’t you rather try something new and potentially fall on your face than not try at all?
I had 3 takeaways from doing the class:
1. Stick with the people who encourage you to be your best self.
S/O to @chiraggkulkarni for suggesting that we do this class/not laughing at me when I (typical) got locked out of my locker. #truefriend
2. Turn the, “I’m envious of” into “I’m inspired by”.
While I pretend that I’m fine with being in my own lane, I’m totally envious of people who have the moxie to do the things that might terrify them at first. But envy is negative; instead, I’m going to allow myself to feel inspired by others, and use that inspiration to motivate myself to be better.
3. Leaning into discomfort makes you stronger.
I love the empowerment that comes from trying something that you might be wary of. Doing this class reminded me that I am always more capable than I give myself credit for.
Here’s my challenge for you this week: Lean into discomfort. Do the thing that you’re terrified of. And watch yourself soar. Let’s motivate each other. Happy Monday, friends! ✨
If time and money weren’t a limitation, what would you do?
I posed this question in my stories yesterday. Most of you responded with ‘travel’, which, #solidarity. But a lot of you also shared your dreams: becoming a photographer, doing a dual degree, playing more guitar, meditating and reading as many books as possible, becoming a lifestyle blogger, helping people to realize their dreams and passions, becoming a freelance journalist. I shared a few of my dreams: to write a book, to learn as many languages as possible, to sleep more.
I’m inspired by all of you. Time and money are definitely limitations in a lot of ways, but I’m looking at all of my goals and I’m wondering if they are really as difficult to accomplish as I keep thinking they are. Which leads me to the question that has been floating around in my head all day: What’s stopping me? What is stopping me from writing that damn book, from learning more languages, from getting all that sleep that my body so desperately needs? What is stopping me from diving heart-first into the things that I feel so much passion for?
We all know the answer to this one. :)
I know it’s Thursday, and we’re all ready for the weekend, but here is my challenge for myself and for all of you: don’t let anything, whether it be time or money or naysayers or that pesky little voice of doubt in the back of your head deter you from following your heart. If you’re passionate about something, find ways to make it happen. If you have a dream, let yourself dream and actualize it.
As my friend, @cynthiabetubiza, so wisely said to me last night: ‘Speak it into existence’. Our intentions are powerful. And setting the right intention is a game changer.
SO. Tell me. What is ONE goal/objective/dream that you have that you are going to challenge yourself to make happen? Comment below — cuz I want to hear it/hold you accountable to it. Happiest of Thursdays, friends! Let’s go make our dreams a reality. With Love., Mamata ✨
Let’s all take moment to just PAUSE.
I know. It’s 9AM (maybe earlier or later for many of you). You’re brushing off the Monday blues and rushing off to work. Your to-do list is most likely a mile long (I know mine is). You’re stressed about a meeting with your boss, that deadline that you have to meet, that meal prep that you have to that, that friendship that you have to keep up with, that feeling of inadequacy that is slowly creeping on you…. and you’re probably going, ‘Mamata. I don’t have TIME to pause.’
Guess what. You do. And you can. And you’ve earned it.
I’m doing myself a disservice by not pausing enough. Because maybe if I paused every now and then, I’d be more proactive instead of reactive. Maybe I’d be more patient with myself. Maybe I’d think through what I want to say and speak with intention instead of a need to impress. Maybe I’d learn how to really relax into myself, to get to know myself better, to really know what I want and need for myself, and to not be so hard on myself when I feel like I’m not doing my best. Maybe I would truly understand the way that it can feel like a second chance, a second wind, or that additional boost of confidence and luck that deserve to feel good about something you’ve done. And maybe I would understand that while I can always do better, I’m also doing just fine.
Meditation, and life, are teaching me to lean into the power of a pause. To pause doesn’t mean to be lazy. It doesn’t mean that you’re inactive or apathetic, or that you’re not accomplishing something. It just means that you mind, your body, your SELF need and deserve a moment, a moment to remind yourself of the why, to reflect upon the good you’ve done, the distance you’ve come, the mistakes that you won’t make again (or maybe you will), and to rest.
Today, I encourage all of you to pause, and to use that pause for good. Give yourself credit where credit is due. What is an area of your life that you feel you’ve improved in, no matter how large or small that improvement is? Comment below, because I definitely want to celebrate it right along with you. Happy Tuesday, friends! With Love., Mamata ✨ #worldmeditationday
Believe in what you pray for...
#heartfulness #designingdestiny #wellness #90daysofheartfulness #theheartfulnessway #culturepictures #happycouple #coupleofthemonth #weddinginspiration #youaremydestiny #cpweddings #mykanhastory #kanhashantivanam #namratashankar #meditation #heartfulnessmeditation
Namrata <3 Shankar
Heartfunless meditation and Spiritual technologies as a part of Special Camp organized by amazing @lifepsychology.club
It was great experience in the heart of Cyprus.
Video by @rextphoto .
Медитации Heartfulness, техники мгновенных личностных изменений и трансформаций в рамках специального кампуса, организованного чудесными @lifepsychology.club
Счастлива быть частью этого крутого проекта!
Видео: @rextphoto .
#leilaelmoria #lifepshychology #spiritualtrchnology #arttgerapy #rapidpersonaltransformation #Heartfulnessambassador #heartfulnessmeditation
#psychologistonline #transformyourreality
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