blackmetal hellenicblackmetal metal metalhead black_metal greekblackmetal metalheads music oldschool rottingchrist greekmetal extrememetal metal_artist metalartist artist occult greekband greekscene nonserviam rottingchristband cultneverdies greece rottingchristofficial blackmetalvinyl non_serviam trueblackmetal athens extrememetalvinyl luciferschild nowplaying americanblackmetal
Rotting Christ - The mystical meeting 10", Picture Vinyl, Century Media Records 1997.
B-Seite mit gleich drei Kreator Cover
#rottingchrist #themysticalmeeting #rottingchristband #rottingchristvinyl #nowspinning #nowplaying #blackmetal #blackmetalvinyl #deathmetalvinyl #kreator #vinylcollection #vinylcollectionpost #33rpm #greecemetal #greeceblackmetal #centurymediarecords #vinyl #vinyls #picturevinyl #picturediscvinyl #metalvinyl #hellenicblackmetal
from A to Ω
from genesis to the seal of the dragon
Τat Tvam Asi (Universal Omniscience)
by Acherontas
(2013 W.T.C. Productions reissue | clear /100)
#_thisiswhat_ilistento #Acherontas #TatTvamAsi #blackmetal #hellenicblackmetal #darkambient #black_metal #blackmetalmusic #blackmetalcollection #blackmetalalbum #blackmetalvinyl #extrememetalvinyl #metalvinyl #metalonvinyl #metalrecords #myvinyl #clearvinyl #igvinyl #vinylig #vinylism #vinylonly #vinylnerd #vinylgeek #myvinylcollection #myrecordcollection
Onyx by Nocternity
(2014 Kyrck Productions reissue | silver /150)
#_thisiswhat_ilistento #nocternity #Onyx #kyrckproductions #hoplite #hellenicblackmetal #greekblackmetal #blackmetal #black_metal #blackmetalcollection #blackmetalalbum #blackmetalvinyl #extrememetalvinyl #metalvinyl #metalonvinyl #metalrecords #myvinyl #silvervinyl #igvinyl #vinylig #vinylism #vinylonly #vinylnerd #vinylgeek #myvinylcollection #myrecirdcollection #metalheadguy
After long session piling up firewood i have finally time to enjoy my latest arrivals from season of mist till late night
First impression while checking out theogonia's releases was pleasant feeling. Album's covers are finished with really stunning beautiful Hellenic themed art works. Sound quality is satisfying as always and music itself still chills with epic and mythical feeling combinated to warm sounding black metal.
I found my original CD digipack back from 2007 in pristine condition. I was someting 16-17 years old and i bought it shortly after when introduced Genesis and Sanctus Diavolos. Guess i tried my mother's patience since i blasted theogonia quite lot. It was something very different back then since we were listening stuff like Amon Amarth, in flames, ensiferum.
Theogionia 2nd press by season of mist. Black vinyl limited to 250 copies
Theogionia, 1st press CD+DVD from 2007 by season of mist.
#rottingchrist #theogonia #hellenicblackmetal #seasonofmist #seasonofmistrecords #blackmetal
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black (1995) .
#necromantia #scarletevilwitchingblack #1995 #osmoseproductions #reissue #greece #blackmetal #symphonicblackmetal #bassguitar #hellenicblackmetal #greekblackmetal #heavymetal #blackenedheavymetal #90smetal #cdcollection #metalcdcollection #extrememetal #red
sneak peak from last night’s show
@rottingchristofficial killed it as usual, it’s never enough with these guys.
I’ll upload more when I’m completely sober?! ♀️ it’s a rough weekend my friends!!!!!
#rottingchrist #nonserviam #gig
#theheretics #gamostavrik#hellenicblackmetal #gigphotography #liveshow #lights #concertphotography #blackmetal #ΧΞΣ
Weekend's here a again! Local record store hunted down two fine records for me; Rotting christ's Rituals transparent DLP and Funeral Mist's Hekatomb 2nd press lp.( I wasn't wake in april and missed 1st press)
Guess it's a home evening with a glass whiskey and rocking chair. If you are not familiar with Rotting christ, i recommend check out compilation their greatest spells.
#rottingchrist #seasonofmist #rituals #blackmetal #hellenicblackmetal #