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First professions today of our novices in the Lay Dominican Pro-Chapter of St Mary Magdalene on the Feast of Bl. Jacobus da Varagine. Votive Low Mass of Holy Father Dominic. Pray for our novices and our growing chapter which today also enrolled one new postulant!
Sancte Pater Dominice, ora pro nobis!
#dominicanorder #orderofpreachers #catholic #latinmass #holymass
It is always wonderful coming home to serve the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the parish where my vocation was first cultivated and encouraged by so many good priests. Altar serving is a big part of supporting young boys and men in discerning the call to follow Christ through the reverent example of their pastors in the celebration of the sacred mysteries and the closeness that can be experienced by being so near to Christ in the Eucharist. Beautiful liturgy aimed at giving the highest worship, praise and honour to God is incredibly important in inspiring the next generation to generously respond to the loving call to take up the cross and follow Him. #altarserving #catholic #seminarianlife #holymass
Ver 1ª Leitura e Salmo Responsorial
Evangelho de NOSSO SENHOR JESUS CRISTO SEGUNDO SÃO JOÃO 16,12-15 : «Tenho ainda muitas coisas a vos dizer, mas não sois capazes de compreender agora. Quando ele vier, o Espírito da Verdade, vos guiará em toda a verdade. Ele não falará por si mesmo, mas dirá tudo quanto tiver ouvido e vos anunciará o que há de vir. Ele me glorificará, porque receberá do que é meu para vos anunciar. Tudo que o Pai tem é meu. Por isso, eu vos disse que ele receberá do que é meu para vos anunciar».#santoevangelho#holymass#latinmass#eucaristia#missatridentina