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С Новым Годом!!! #turnike #turnik #turnikkz #turnik_msk #turnik_kg #workout #workoutmotivation #workoutfit #workout #workouts #workout #workoutvideos #турник #турникибрусья #турникмэн #турникмены #турники #спорт #спортвмассы #спортказахстана #fitness #fitnesslife #fitnessmodel #воркаут24 #воркаутроссия #воркаут #воркаутвмассы #horizontalbar #fitnessgirl
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@imabayashikaito Hits a massive 17.0 Start Value Pommel Horse routine!
#euros2019 #gymnasticshighlights #artisticgymnastics #gymnastics #mensgymnastics #floor #pommelhorse #rings #vault #parallelbars #pbars #horizontalbar #highbar #stucklanding #gymnast #tumble #stick #flip #trampoline #handstand #strength #flexibility #balance #fitness #healthy #muscle #chalk #trampoline #bounce
Вернуть бы этот день назад,вернуть бы это лето,как же круто иметь хороших друзей.Ребят,ищите себе правильное окружение,какое окружение такие и вы!
#roadtothedream #rd #fitness #pumpup #press #пресс #sport #skids #motivation #workout #streetworkout #street #muscle #biceps #horizontalbar #squeezing #бицепс #трицепс #атлет #гимнастика #трансформация #здоровыйобразжизни #chinups
My favorite exercises after #workout training in Barcelona on horizontal bar and parallel bars with @markov_streetworkout and his crazy team
I'll post interview with him soon...
#extreemworkout #fitness #exercises #horizontalbar #parallelbars #fit #getfit #abs #absexercises #poledancer #poledance #handstand #alexshchukin
@thomasleegh Hits one of the hardest skills on Parallel Bars - Piked Tejada! Fifth person I’ve ever seen do it! What do you think this skill should valued at, and who do you think will get it named after them? #StanfordMensGymnastics #NewEra
#gymnasticshighlights #artisticgymnastics #gymnastics #mensgymnastics #floor #pommelhorse #rings #vault #parallelbars #pbars #horizontalbar #highbar #balancebeam #unevenbars #tumble #stick #flip #trampoline #handstand #strength #flexibility #balance #fitness #healthy #muscle #chalk #trampoline #bounce