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Tip of the day: Paralysis by analysis
Don’t think and hit. Trying to review a long checklist while hitting the ball at the same time is pretty much impossible.
You might think that reminding yourself to watch the ball, judge spacing, ready the racket by turning hips/shoulders, relaxing the grip, exhaling at impact, and following through might help you play better. But it won’t. Reminding yourself of all those things while hitting the ball will only make you play worse.
“Well Flor, then how am I supposed to do all those things if you are telling me to not think of it?”
You’ll only be able to manage it from muscle memory, and the only way to to established the muscle memory is through repetition. The repetition can be acquired by a pro feeding balls, ball machine, or even self feed.
You don’t think about how to swallow or how to walk for example. No need, it’s easily right there on your hard-drive. It’s the same with your game.
Use repetition when working on your technique.
When playing matches, let your mind free so your body can do what it knows best.
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First hit after a week from ankle surgical procedure. Discipline and dedication that’s what Champions are made of
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