jesus jesuspaiditall dailywisdom encouragement faithhopelove faithoverfear godsnotdead christianliving choosejoy christianity everythingchristian goodnews livebygrace graceupongrace prayer truth biblicalliving godlovesyou godslove christian godisgood holybible christiansofinstagram grace scripture bibleverse christianblogger holyspirit bedeeplyrooted gritandvirtue everythingchristian
It is better to follow the Creator than the crowd. Thank you for sharing @jennathiery .
#choosejesus #jesusislife #christiansofinstagram #livebygrace #faithhopelove #christianblogger #Jesus #graceupongrace #dailywisdom #prayer #scripture #biblicalliving #christianity #christianliving #goodnews #jesuspaiditall #faithoverfear #everythingchristian #Godsnotdead #grace #truth #choosejoy #Godslove #Godlovesyou #Godisgood #holybible #Jesus #bibleverse
1 Peter 2:24
" He himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed."
#jesustookmyshame #jesuspaiditall #thankyoujesus #nocondemnation #eternallife #god #church #jesussaves #bible #worship #believeinjesus #godmadeflesh #heavenlyfather
FOLLOW: @_beauty_frm_ashes
#christian #christiansofinstagram #livebygrace #encouragement #faithhopelove #christianblogger #Jesus #graceupongrace #dailywisdom #prayer #scripture #biblicalliving #christianity #christianliving #goodnews #jesuspaiditall #faithoverfear #everythingchristian #Godsnotdead #grace #truth #choosejoy #Godslove #Godlovesyou #Godisgood #holybible #Jesus #bibleverse