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Want to improve hip rotation
Lots of people tell me they struggle to maintain any hip internal rotation gains they make from doing 90/90 mobility work. ♂️
Often this can be down to a lack of strength in two very important areas:
1. The adductors
2. The psoas muscles
So here are two really good ways to strengthen these muscles using a band. They are super simple, effective and should be done regularly as part of your warm up, and more intensely as part of your training program! ♀️
If you’re not sure how to get into hip sleeper stretch position, check out my previous post which details this. And for banded hip flexion, make sure your pelvis doesn’t rotate ❌ as you flex your hip.
So if you’re struggling with hip rotation, give these a try for the next few weeks and you should start to see some improvements! Any questions comment below, and let me know how you get on!
#improvewithluke - Improving Movement Daily
Improve Core Efficiency
Everyone goes on about core strength, but I often find the main thing people need to improve is core efficiency...
So what does that mean?
For me core efficiency is developing strength / function whilst working in a relaxed manor (below what’s called your functional threshold). The ability to stay relaxed whilst under stress (working load) is very important for improving movement / function.
The more efficient you are at performing an exercise, the less energy your body uses to do it. Ideally you would use just enough strength (muscles contraction) to complete the task). .
Ways to tell if you’ve gone above you’re functional threshold.
1️⃣ - Breath holding
2️⃣ - Change of tone in speaking voice
3️⃣ - Uncontrollable shaking .
These are positive signs that you can no longer perform the exercise in a relaxed manor. This doesn’t make it wrong, it just means your body is going into a stressed state to continue holding that position. Efficiency goes out the window and survival mechanism takes over...
In this video I’m performing an exercise to challenge my core, but I’m trying to stay as relaxed as possible (It actually feels quite relaxing). You can apply this concept of efficiency training to any exercise, but it works very well with this type of core training... just remember to breathe...
So give these a try and see if you can stay relaxed. You don’t have to go as low as I do. Many people find this challenging just with the legs up without moving them... The goal is to find the level that’s right for you and build efficiency there...
So tag any mates that may find this helpful, and as always any questions, please comment below
#Improvewithluke - Improving Movement Daily
Advanced Movement
BEAR CRAWLS: mobility, stability, core strength
LACROSSE BALL(+): Balanced between your upper back - enforces perfect technique, focused breathing, and total body control ————————————————————————
Keep knees low, back flat, core strong, and mind TOUGH
Very challenging — give it a shot and let me know!
FRS Master Instructor @deweynielsen discusses ankle mobility prerequisites for squatting and how the #FunctionalRangeAssessment dictates appropriate strength programming ️♂️.
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FRC x FRA Cert - Buffalo NY . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ @buffalobills 2019 .
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#FunctionalRangeSystems ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
FRCms, FRAs & Kinstretch Instructor @coachchriscampbell
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You can never have too much control of your joints/body.
CARs drills are tremendous tools to maintain and improve control of your ROM (joint range of motion).
➡️ Do NOT underestimate the power of CARs. What looks so simple is really a versatile tool that is used for:
1️⃣ Assessment
2️⃣ Maintenance of joint health & function
3️⃣ Training improvements
Here I'm using a block on the opposite hip to keep me honest. This has been a go to drill for my clients who move their pelvis and spine when they SHOULD only be moving their femur relative to hip. I'm effectively preventing compensation and giving a true test of my hip mobility.
CARs courtesy of @drandreospina and @functionalrangeconditioning
CARs = Controlled Articular Rotations
#FunctionalRangeSystems ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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#ControlYourself #MoveNextLevel #mobility #functionalrangeconditioning #FRC
FRCms @dr.robtarulli Anterior Shoulder Dislocation
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@kenjime_ is an amateur Muay Thai fighter that suffered an anterior dislocation of the left shoulder while battling in the clinch in his last bout.
Naturally, he developed apprehension in abduction, external rotation and reported closing angle pain during shoulder CARs.
Through the application of consistent, progressively increasing isometric loads (PAILs/RAILs), end range holds and lift offs, we created an environment that facilitated the necessary adaptations in the nervous and connective tissues to not only function in these ranges, but develop RESILIENCY in them.
#FunctionalRangeSystems ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
FRC Assistant Instructor @chungychung ⠀⠀
Banded 90/90 Rotational Hinge
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Here is a hinge executed in the 90/90 with a band providing elastic resistance going into hip abduction and external rotation.
This works well if you have a hard time generating your own tension and need resistance to input more load into those deep hip rotators.
I like using this variation because you can easily manipulate the angle of hip flexion by either getting more upright or leaning further back.
Work a couple of concentric reps or isometric efforts before taking the band off and transitioning using an ISOmp into the next 90/90.
FRC & Kinstretch Instructor @getchimpy
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My man @seahawks receiver @keenanreynolds is back in town for some training. We let the #functionalrangeassesment guide our decision making. The FRA allows me to identify the biggest “dominos” to knock down that will have the highest net effect. #DontGuessJustAssess ⠀
To quote @drandreospina “Healthy joints make difficult movements easier” ⠀
Here is a small segment of us building more functional capacity in the hip. Functional as in human , as in proper coupling between the bones that make up the hip joint.We continue to save the work with enough load to communicate to the cells ⠀
Human First ⠀
Football Player Second⠀
As we build more foundational capacity, sport utilization becomes more efficient. You can’t drive a race car well with flat tires or poor suspension. The horsepower needs to be optimized in conjunction with the brakes, handling and computer management. ⠀
In the same vein you can optimize human movement without considering the parts that make the whole. Keenan is part of a new breed of athletes who get it. The days of mindlessly trashing the body are becoming obsolete. Longevity should be synonymous with performance particularly in a combat sport like American Football. ⠀
Cultivating more mobile joints gives more strategies for multidirectional movements on the field. It also lowers the orthopedic cost of doing business in the weight room and in season. He understands that with a big enough articular base he can thrive in all the sport specific preparation that is involved to perform at the highest level.⠀
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Learning as much as I can. Lately caught my attention #kinstretch . Interesting concept. Definitely want to go deeper with it.
Started looking at:
@hunterfitness .
Need kes siiani jõuavad loodetavasti huvituvad rohkem minu tegemistest. Plaan on minna seda tüüpi koolitusele. Kas on huvilisi?
#functionalrangesystems #kinstretch #controlyourself #mobility #jointhealth #functionalrangeconditioning #movementismedicine #openyourhips #hipmobility #activerecovery #fullrangeofmotion