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*️⃣ keep reading for giveaway details *️⃣
Lip filler is a great option for just about anyone! Lip filler can add definition, volume, and shape. Whether you are looking for a more hydrated look, subtle plumpness, or full volume - they are completely customizable!
We are giving away 1 syringe of Juvederm Ultra to TWO lucky winners! This is a $650 value!
How to enter:
1. Follow me, @mrsjennyjones
2. Follow @nosebynayak
3. ‘Like’ this post on BOTH accounts
4. Tag three friends below!
*Giveaway ends SUNDAY at 11:59pm, 4/14
*Winners will be announced Monday 4/15
*Winners will be required to sign full media consent
#lipfiller #lipinjections #juvederm #juvedermultra #lipfillergiveaway #nurseinjector #giveaway #npsads #avanidermspa #nayakplasticsurgery #medspa #dermspa #skincare #injectables
The Nonsurgical Lip Lift (NLL) with ‘tubercle shifts’. Here are the steps I took to achieve the final result for this lovely client. The NLL works with the natural anatomy of the lips, in particular the little pillows called ‘tubercles’ which can be shifted for the desired result. It avoids the vermillion border so that it projects more on a vertical plane (upwards) rather than on a horizontal plane (outwards). The results always look normal and natural. More information to follow shortly in the MEDICAL NOTES below
#fillers #lipfillers #juvedermlips #instalips #juvederm #instatutorial #lipinjections #lipenhancement #lipaugmentation #injectables #injections #nonsurgical #hyaluronicacid #aestheticmedicine #cosmeticinjector #dermalfillers #filler #injection #lipinjection #cosmeticdoctor #aestheticclinic #londondoctor #aestheticdoctor #juvedermultra #juvedermultra3 #drharrisworks #facialrejuvenation
#ad @incrediblecosmetics Roller Baby gloss is a rollerball lip gloss comes in 3 tints and gives an extreme-wet look this shade is "choose your happy." Available at @sephora
____________________________________________ #incrediblecosmetics #lips #lipswatches #wetlips #lipgloss #igersbatonrouge #neworleans #mua #makeupartist #juvedermultra #juvederm #plumplips #atlblogger #pdxblogger #nycblogger #lablogger #macroshot #beautyphotography
This stunning patient came in with a very specific lip shape and style in mind
She wanted her top to bottom ratio almost equal, sharpened Cupid’s bow, and a two-pillow keyhole pout. I tailored my injection techniques to what she was wanting and look how beautiful her outcome was!
⬅️ Swipe to the last photo to see the photo inspo she showed me!
Product:Juvederm Ultra/Vollure
⚖️ Amount: 0.9ml
Price: $640
Longevity: 9-12m
Appt time: 45 min
⚠️Results: patient has had lip filler before.
Downtime: Swelling and bruising will occur, please allow 2 full weeks to settle
Location: Uptown Dallas
#juvedermlips #juvedermultraplus #juvedermvollure #lipfillersdallas #lipinjections #nurseinjector #restylanedefyne #dallaslipinjections #chinfillerdalllas #chinfiller #voluma #juvedermvoluma #dallasbeautyblogger
#dfw #dfwbeauty #dfwlipfillers #cosmeticnurse #juvedermultra #beforeandafter #dallasblogger #bloggers #style #itsasecretmedspa #dallasmedspa #lipsbyrome
All of these lip corrections that I have been doing lately is KILLING ME SLOWLY.... I find it to be SO FRUSTRATING. # Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE doing it for the patients because getting a bad lip job in general is super stressful and I hate the negativity of it but I enjoy the challenge of a good lip fix. BUT can I just ask WHAT IS WITH THE LUMPS? I seriously do NOT get it. All injectors have their own technique but seriously the needle should be slowly moving while you are injecting retrograde.. these bolus filler techniques are the WORST... I HATE IT. Please just stop. #stopthemadness #notallinjectorsarecreatedequal #lipcorrection #lipfiller #juvederm #juvedermultra #illfixit #knowyourinjector #dontworry #thequeenwillfixit #lipqueen
LOL So.... for anyone who saw before that I put my headshot up for a hot second- I took it down because I got a crazy message from a crazy person. Instagram is turning into a crazy place. It is hard to have thick skin with so many people watching my every move. I work VERY hard and I am a GOOD person. Some of these messages are straight up abuse . Always from fake accounts so is that what we call a troll? Should I just post the messages and put people on blast? I am losing faith in humanity for real. WTF is up with everyone! If you don’t like me then just unfollow me. But KARMA is real and it isn’t coming for me because my conscious is clean.
So Lips lips lips it is! I’ll just post my work instead of my face. And Lips are my FAVORITE! On a positive note this keyhole pout I DID is to die for!
#lipinjections #lipfiller #benicepeople #weareallhuman #actlikeit #nomoretrolling #juvederm #juvedermultra #lips #laterhaters
Beautiful Lips /Werbung*
⚡Акция на увеличение губ 6500 ₽⚡
ВЕСЬ МАРТ - увеличение губ 6500 ₽.
Контурная пластика губ – процедура, предназначенная для изменения их формы и увеличения полноты. Ее можно использовать для коррекции морщин в уголках рта, дополнительного увлажнения и профилактики старения.
увеличения объема и размера;
желание улучшить или изменить природную форму губ;
поднятие уголков, моделирование линии рта, выделение контура;
асимметрия и непропорциональность губ;
шрамы и рубцы;
чрезмерная сухость кожи;
западение одной или двух губ вследствие неправильного строения челюсти;
возрастные изменения (морщинки на губах и в околоротовой области, опущение уголков);
потеря упругости, объема и четкости контура.
Проводить контурную пластику губ можно, начиная с 20 лет. Девушкам и женщинам от 20 до 35 лет процедура поможет изменить и улучшить естественную форму губ, если она является неприемлемой.
После 35 лет используется уже для профилактики старения, сглаживания кисетных (вертикальные заломы над верхней губой) и других типов морщин вокруг рта, омоложения контура и компенсации возрастной потери объема.
Процедуру проводит врач-косметолог: Алла Валентиновна #lioncosmetologyAlla принимает в @studioliontattoobutirskaya
Запись по номеру:
8 (977) 858-21-29
Москва, Бутырская, Огородный проезд 8
☎️WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram +7 977-858-21-29, а также через форму онлайн записи на нашем сайте✒️
#увеличениегуб #увлажнениегуб #увеличениегубмосква #REJEUNESSE #JuvedermUltra2 #JuvedermUltra #инъекции #инъекциигуб #REJEUNESSEгубы #косметлогия #косметологиямосква #косметолог #косметологмосква
Treatment of the lips starts with Facial Reshaping, here the cheeks and chin (top left) with the effects of myomodulation (bottom left video). I then used my Nonsurgical Lip Lift (NLL) which can involve shifting over the naturally occurring pillows of the lips called tubercles (tubercle shift shown in the video on the top right) with the final lip result (bottom right). These are the steps I took to achieve this lovely client’s final results (see also yesterday’s post). I used just two fillers (2mls) in total. When working with the natural anatomy and physiology of the face, then very little product is required to achieve subtle and beautiful natural looking results. For more information, see the MEDICAL NOTES in the comments below
#aestheticmedicine #fillers #lipaugmentation #nonsurgical #injectables #hyaluronicacid #facialrejuvenation #juvedermvoluma #lipinjections #juvedermultra #juvedermvoluma #dermalfillers #antiageing #juvedermlips #chinfiller #juvedermsmile #cheekfillers #jawlinefiller #beautifullips #fulllips #aestheticclinic #aestheticdoctor #cosmeticdoctor #drharrisworks #londondoctor