kontrabass doublebass contrabass contrabajo orchestra 100daysofpracticechallenge contrebasse classicalmusic contrabaixo music 100daysofpractice bassist bass gitarre hamburg rockabilly rocknroll uprightbass contrabasso melbournemusician musik practicetime bandliebe bandtime bassbow bassplayer bestboys besttime bottesini cello 100daysofpracticechallenge
Alex just made it to rehearsal.😅 Can you guess what piece we are playing?🎶🤔
#doublebass #contrabass #violin #guessthepiece #コントラバス #ヴァイオリン #バイオリン #弦楽器 #室内楽 #クラシック音楽 #音楽大好き #楽譜 #生演奏 #演奏 #楽器 #オーケストラ #音楽家 #violinist #doublebassist #chambermusic #violine #kammermusik #kontrabass #classicalmusic #orchestra #viola #cello #instrument #duoadue
Mais um pouquinho do estudo de ontem 💖🥰🎶
Breezin 👉🏼 #aljarreau #georgebenson .
Hoje não deu tempo de gravar o #100daysofpractice mas o estudo foi feito com meu amor @ricardinhoparaiso !! ❤️🎶🙏🏻
#day73 #music #doublebass #kontrabass #bassguitar #study #maybass #bassgirl
17 | practicing for and recording auditions is pretty much all i’ve been doing for the past three weeks, celebrating this weekend by going on a little day trip and voting weeeeew 🥳
Surely the youngest double bass WMute user in the world!! 😍👏👏So cute and so talented!!!😮💪 •
#violin #viola #cello #doublebass #mute #practicemute #concertmute #WMutes #handmade #strings #stringquartet #chambermusic #stringorchesta #orchestra #soloists #geige #bratche #bass #contrabass #kontrabass #dämpfer #sordina #sordino #sourdine #violon #violoncello #skrzypce #小提琴 #바이올린 #バイオリン
Esta tarde concierto de Monstruos y Villanos con @ocnesp !
#doublebass #contrabass #kontrabass #bass #elpadrino #thegodfather #orquesta #orkestra #orchestra #concierto #concert #sonidoenvivo #classicalmusic #musicaclasica #music #bso #cine #kino #rubia #basswoman #auditorionacional #madrid #ilovemywork
The Double Bass with Thomas Martin: French Bow Technique Ep 2, Position and Angle🎻 Watch the full video on our IGTV! #tgmvm #doublebass #bowing #basslessons #doublebasslessons
A bit of music for the 💔 ( Obviously this is still work in progress..) •
🎼Brahms Sonata in e m 🎹 @annegabrieledouce 🎻 @annegabrieledouce
13 | technique morsels on my mind atm: care less, more stupid bow, keep spiccato close to the string, full face of hair. also, if anyone has a good working link to the first game of thrones S8 ep, please let me know... asking for a friend 😶🐉
🎼 Brahms cello Sonata in e m
• 😉 It’s not perfect but if I wait to be perfect.. I will never post anything ahah •
I recommend you to use headphones to listen to it as I really need to invest in a microphone.. 😇
I recorded the piano part on top of the doublebass part. 🎹 @annegabrieledouce 🎻 @annegabrieledouce