legomindstormev3 робототехн програмування legowedo robotics legoev3 legomindstorm robit дитячаакадем lego stem coding legorobotics teacher canadianteacher edtechteachers engineeringdesign engineeringforkids iteach456 iteach4th iteach5th iteachfifth iteachfourth iteachmath iteachscience iteachstem ontarioteacher robot steam teachersupplies mineria
It’s time to return the kits but not before we do one last fun build. We looked for the standard templates from LEGO education, but then after we got them built we discovered that some coding is limited to laptops and doesn’t work on iPads. I am proud to report my students didn’t give up, they did what they could and still found a way to make it work. I couldn’t be prouder! Check out stories to see their perseverance!! #proudteacher .
#teachersoninstagram #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #iteachtoo #iteachfourth #iteach5th #iteach4th #iteachfifth #canadianteacher #ontarioteacher
#teacher #teachersupplies #iteach456
#iteachmath #iteachstem #iteachscience
#edtechteachers #coding
#robotics #legorobotics #stem #steam #legomindstorm #legomindstormev3
#engineeringdesign #legoev3
Robot Wars- Round 4: Uber Challenge. This challenge was inspired by my son’s love for all things delivered so he doesn’t have to leave the house (This might have been the hardest one.) In this challenge bots must start at the starting line, pick up their “eats” and deliver in into the box and then return back to the start. Did I mention this must be done without touching the bot. .
#teachersoninstagram #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #iteachtoo #iteachfourth #iteach5th #iteach4th #iteachfifth #canadianteacher #ontarioteacher
#teacher #teachersupplies #iteach456 #engineeringforkids
#iteachmath #iteachstem #iteachscience
#edtechteachers #coding
#robotics #legorobotics #stem #steam #legomindstorm #legomindstormev3
#engineeringdesign #legoev3
New summer camp location in Streersville, St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School
#iboswin #boswinrobotics #mississaugalego #mississaugarobotics #mississaugamoms #mississauga #zone01 #zone01robotics #oakvillelego #oakvillemoms #oakvillerobotics #oakville #miltonlego #miltonrobotics #miltonmoms #milton #bramptonrobotics #bramptonlego #bramptonmoms #brampton #toronto #torontorobotics #torontolego #legowedo #legoev3 #legomindstormev3
Приветствуем вас, друзья!
У нас произошли небольшие изменения - пробное занятие по робототехнике, которое состоится УЖЕ завтра, перенесено с 11 часов утра на 13:00 по техническим причинам.
Приносим свои извинения!
Всех, кто записался или еще не успел, ждём по адресу пл. Конституции, 1, дом быта "Кальмиус" (5 этаж)
Возраст: 8-13 лет
Длительность: 2 часа с перерывом
Место: пл. Конституции,1, дом быта "Кальмиус", 5 этаж
Стоимость: 200 рублей
#BitSpace #Робототехника #Программирование #Донецк #Робототехникадлядетей #РобототехникаДонецк #Программирование #Конструирование #Легоконструктор #Развитиедетей #Детидонецка #Детскиеувлечения #robotics #programming #legomindstormev3 #Donetsk
Questa mattina il nostro cane EV3 ha preso vita, grazie ai nostri ragazzi della scuola secondaria di primo grado!
È stato programmato anche per ricevere cordialmente il fratellino Boost che, attivando tutti i sensori possibili, ha suscitato un'esplosione di gioia, anche tra gli umani!
#istitutomargherita #coding #robotica #legomindstormev3 #legoboost #programmailfuturo #istitutomargheritabari #wearemargherita #wearereadyforthefuture #120margherita #scuola #school #scuolamedia #scuolasecondariadiprimogrado #bari #puglia
Went to a conference to check out some of the latest tech and fell in love with the Dash & Dot. I’m already brainstorming for next year! I also won the smartphone mount so now I have to get one!! #tdsbul19 .
#iteachfourth #iteach5th #iteach4th #iteachfifth #canadianteacher #ontarioteacher
#teacher #teachersupplies #iteach456
#iteachmath #iteachstem #iteachscience
#edtechteachers #coding
#robotics #legorobotics #stem #steam #legomindstorm #legomindstormev3
#engineeringdesign #legoev3