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Footage of a typical white blood cell being actively searching for pathogens right inside the blood!
•White blood cells also called leukocytes are the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders.
•All white blood cells are produced and derived from multipotent cells in the bone marrow known as hematopoietic stem cells. They are found throughout the body, predominantly in the blood and lymphatic system.
They move throughout our body in our blood, looking for invaders, kills them and maintain a seamless healthy internal environment.
These guys are the microscopic security guards of our body!
•The little balls you see there are the Red blood cells (blood) where as the two irregular mobile stuff are the White blood cells.
#whitebloodcells #microscopy #blood #leukemia #medicine #amazing #medicogram
So proud of Dr. Neda Mofrad, who stopped by the office today, and so many of my former interns for growing up and being such amazing physicians.
This weekend I am attending on the teaching service for the first time this academic year. Residency is the most inhumane, grueling time of a doctor’s life. We teach young doctors how to keep people healthy while at the same time forcing them to live in the most unhealthy way possible. One of the many many reasons we have problems with health care in this country.
Bella would see her brothers get a haircut and she would want one herself. So Bella got what Bella wanted. We would pretend to cut her hair then she would look at herself in the mirror and give us the “OK”. Sweet memories. .
#BaldIsBeautiful #BellaStrong #SmilesFromHeaven #ChildhoodCancer #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #Leukemia #LeukemiaAwareness #GoneTooSoon #Cancer
Not exactly how we wanted to spend this gorgeous Tuesday, but at least we’re still in the presence of an All Star. ⭐️ Simon spiked a fever yesterday and had to be admitted at @clevelandclinic main campus, per his treatment protocol for his leukemia. It’s been a loooong time since he’s actually had to be admitted and we almost forgot how grueling this experience can be. It’s a good reminder for us though...this fight isn’t over. And of course with cancer, nothing is a simple illness. The good news is that his fever broke and he’s gotten infusions to boost his immunity and hopefully knock out whatever this virus is. He’s sleeping and playing comfortably, so fingers crossed that we will be discharged tonight! As always, the nursing staff is incredible , and while the circumstances aren’t the best, it’s so great to see their faces again and hear them marvel over how much our hero has grown and the progress he’s made since our time here last year. Onward and upward, All Stars. Let’s win tomorrow. #simonfinch #operationsifi #childhoodcancerawareness #clevelandclinic #cancerwarrior #ALL #leukemia #letswintomorrow
: "Halo Javier, kamu sakit apa?
: "Halo kak . Waktu itu abis pulang liburan, aku muntah-muntah. Awalnya, om dokter bilang aku kena demam berdarah. Tapi, karena terus kambuh dan makin parah, darah aku diperiksa lagi. Om dokter bilang di dalam tubuh aku ada monster leukemia kak "
: "Terus gimana cara ngobatinnya?"
: "Aku harus kemoterapi rutin selama 2 tahun kak buat ngalahin monster kankernya. Aku takut banget, kak . Tapi, aku gak pingin bikin mama papa khawatir makanya aku selalu senyum. Doain aku cepet sembuh ya Kak, biar bisa pulang ke rumah sama mama papa ."
Javier didiagnosa leukemia limfoblastik akut (ALL) pada Februari 2019. Untuk sembuh, ia harus menjalani kemoterapi secara intensif selama 2 tahun. Tak hanya itu, Javier juga berjuang melawan penyakit autoimun yang obatnya justru memicu efek samping tumbuhnya kanker ganas.
Biaya pengobatan Javier sangatlah besar. Yuk, kita berdoansi bantu pengobatan Javier dengan cara, klik: kitabisa.com/bantujavier .
Tak hanya dukungan materi, kamu juga bisa kasih doa dan semangat untuk Javier dengan cara, ketik: "Javier " di kolom komentar!
Satu komentar darimu akan menjadi tanda cinta dan doa agar Javier bisa sembuh!
#leukemia #pejuangkanker #bisasembuh #orangbaik #kitabisa
To już będzie 5 miesięcy bez mojego Aniołka. Nic nie dzieje się przypadkiem. Dziś wchodząc na Instagram ujrzałam wpis @oh.my.life_ , która pięknie opisuje każdy swoj post. Ja niestety nie mam aż takiej weny twórczej, ale dziś również pisała o tym, że nic nie dzieje się z przypadku. Osoby, rzeczy, zdarzenia, które są w naszym życiu, zawsze są po coś. Mi moja kochana córeczka pokazała czym jest bezgraniczna miłość. Pokazała mi jak ważne jest zdrowie. Pogoń za pieniędzmi, karierą, za osobami, które mają Cię na końcu za sobą się skończyła, bo najważniejsze teraz jest właśnie zdrowie, rodzina, przyjaciele, których teraz wiem, poznaje się w biedzie. Ci, którzy byli warci zostali. Inni nigdy nimi nie byli.
Po tych pięciu miesiącach bez Lilii wiem, że nikt nigdy nie zapełni mi tej pustki, która pozostała po niej. Tej mojej bezgranicznej miłości.
Kocham Cię Lilio
#angel #videoangellilia #aniolek #daughter #leukemia #love