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Love is truth. ~
#nomask #loveinspiration #lovetruth
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Caption by @jamie.n.rea:
The best kind of love lets us make contact with the magical light inside of us and it teaches us how to reveal the light of another. It gives us space for this light. Love is about learning how to give the gift and receive the gift. The gift of possibility and wonderment that we can create and become whatever we want with our one precious, magical life. It doesn’t condemn. Or contain. It supports. Nourishes. Gives space for the light to dance and skip along the shores until the end of time
Find a love that reveals your light and lets it shine.
The entity which is given constant and unremitting approval by those surrounding it suffers from the loss of the mirroring effect of those which reflect truthfully rather than unquestioningly. This is not a suggestion to reinstate judgment but merely a suggestion for all those supporting instruments; that is, support, be harmonious, share in love, joy, and thanksgiving, but find love within truth, for each instrument benefits from this support more than from the total admiration which overcomes discrimination.
-Ra -The Law Of One
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Section 101.8
#TheLawOfOne #LawOfOne (The Ra Material) (All Material)
ARTIST: @aldousmassie
#mirroringeffect #constantApproval #reflecttruth #reflecttruthfully #honestadvice #beinghonest #behonest #blueray #throatchakra #reflectionOfSelf #selfreflections #honestlove #loveintruth #truthlove #lovetruth #findLoveInTruth
“If you’re waiting for your external situation to change on it’s own, then you’re being a victim to circumstance. In other words, you’re being an object which is being acted upon.”
Learn, serve, do what will help you break out of a victim mentality. .
#victim #victimmentality #truthempowered #lovetruth #liveinspired #wellness #values #deepunderstanding #mindbodyspirit #wellnessjourney #integrity #nourishyourself #honorgod #unity #unitedlife #nontoxicliving #organiclifestyle #positive #habits #purity #family #values #happyvibes #inspirationdaily #pureliving #live #love #serve #thrive