magnetizm poledancevlg poledance exotic exoticpoledance polesport split волгоград красноармейский пилон растяжка стретчинг танцы танцывлг шпагат poleexotic sidesplit strip stripdance поперечный стрип танцынапилоне тренер poleart тренерволгоград тренерpd тренервлг instagood love compassion пилонвлг
Я и мои красотки, тренировочный процесс!
ОТПУСК закончился , пора бы и на работу , а то заждались .
⠀⠀Доброго начала недели друзья. Но, а меня с первым рабочим днем!
P.S. Пусть каждый день этой недели будет лучшим!(и не нолько этой)
Отрабатываем МК с моей @tuchinaanzhelika
In Vajrayana Buddhism, Kurukulla is a goddess of enchantment, magnetism, and love. In the Tibetan language, she is known as Rigjema, or the Mistress of knowledge.
Kurukulla is a dakini, an embodiment of the ultimate wisdom that removes ignorance and turns negative emotions into pure awareness. She is related to the four enlightened activities (Tib. le shi) of pacifying, enriching, magnetizing, and subjugating presented in the Buddhist tantras. She is particularly closely associated with the magnetizing and attraction of favorable conditions (wang gi thrin le). She also possesses the ability to subdue and transform sensual passions into a tool to reach the higher reality of Dharma. In Vajrayana, it is believed that her enlightened mind is full of passion (chag thug) and impassioned loving kindness (tse we je chag). But in her case, these heartfelt emotions are considered to be devoid of selfish purposes and dedicated entirely to the weal of sentient beings. She offers her unconditional love and tenderness only to eliminate their suffering.
Image: a beautiful 16th century thangka of Kurukulla from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
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