minnowrace ahca azriahealth azriahealthmontclair church day3 games golddiggers live livesoulfully minnow music nationalskillednursingcareweek ncal nsncw performance races redravenorchestra service ncal
Part 1 of 4:
Day 3 of @ahcancal’s National Skilled Nursing Care Week in the bag! We dressed up as gold-diggers today to represent souls and hearts of gold in the halls of #AzriaHealthMontclair! We began our day with a church service. After lunch, we gathered residents for MINNOW RACES! Each minnow team cheered on their minnows. Finally, we ended the day with a fabulous performance by The Red Raven Orchestra and had a watermelon feed! Another great day and another great way to show how we "Live Soulfully"!
#AzriaHealth #AHCA #NCAL #NSNCW #NationalSkilledNursingCareWeek #Day3 #GoldDiggers #Church #Service #Minnow #Races #MinnowRace #RedRavenOrchestra #Performance #Live #Music #LiveSoulfully #Fun #Games