bethechange missdorset alistbusiness wearitgreen wedoethical environment mrdorset missengland beautyqueen follow beauty crown ethicalliving fitspo health instagood king love muscles beautiful bournemouth model fashion missworld mrworld mrengland smileinstyle wallsidowndentalpractice lostmondays missengland
Like to vote for Zoe Llana Hill!
This years finalists are helping us to raise awareness of eco-social issues to become brand ambassadors for
So, we would like to see who can create a huge social impact over facebook and instagram for our Wear It Green Campaign to help stop fast fashion.
The most liked photo on both facebook and instagram combined wins the Social Impact Award, kindly sponsored by @smileinstyleuk Wallisdown Dental Practice. Only the actual likes on the photos will be counted, so please make sure you like the actual photo not just the posts. Thank you!
Smile in style with Wallisdown Dental Practice LIKE/ FOLLOW THE WALLISDOWN DENTAL PAGE to cliam your discount and continue your journey to smiling with confidence!
#WallsidownDentalPractice #SmileInStyle #WearItGreen #MissDorset #MrDorset #MissEngland #MrEngland #MissWorld #MrWorld #BeTheChange #WeDoEthical #AListBusiness
Like to vote for Katrina Craig!
This years finalists are helping us to raise awareness of eco-social issues to become brand ambassadors for
So, we would like to see who can create a huge social impact over facebook and instagram for our Wear It Green Campaign to help stop fast fashion.
The most liked photo on both facebook and instagram combined wins the Social Impact Award, kindly sponsored by @smileinstyleuk Wallisdown Dental Practice. Only the actual likes on the photos will be counted, so please make sure you like the actual photo not just the posts. Thank you!
Smile in style with Wallisdown Dental Practice LIKE/ FOLLOW THE WALLISDOWN DENTAL PAGE to cliam your discount and continue your journey to smiling with confidence!
#WallsidownDentalPractice #SmileInStyle #WearItGreen #MissDorset #MrDorset #MissEngland #MrEngland #MissWorld #MrWorld #BeTheChange #WeDoEthical #AListBusiness
Like to vote for Lydia Lydiate!
This years finalists are helping us to raise awareness of eco-social issues to become brand ambassadors for
So, we would like to see who can create a huge social impact over facebook and instagram for our Wear It Green Campaign to help stop fast fashion.
The most liked photo on both facebook and instagram combined wins the Social Impact Award, kindly sponsored by @smileinstyleuk Wallisdown Dental Practice. Only the actual likes on the photos will be counted, so please make sure you like the actual photo not just the posts. Thank you!
Smile in style with Wallisdown Dental Practice LIKE/ FOLLOW THE WALLISDOWN DENTAL PAGE to cliam your discount and continue your journey to smiling with confidence!
#WallsidownDentalPractice #SmileInStyle #WearItGreen #MissDorset #MrDorset #MissEngland #MrEngland #MissWorld #MrWorld #BeTheChange #WeDoEthical #AListBusiness
Like to vote for Keisha Walters!
This years finalists are helping us to raise awareness of eco-social issues to become brand ambassadors for
So, we would like to see who can create a huge social impact over facebook and instagram for our Wear It Green Campaign to help stop fast fashion.
The most liked photo on both facebook and instagram combined wins the Social Impact Award, kindly sponsored by @smileinstyleuk Wallisdown Dental Practice. Only the actual likes on the photos will be counted, so please make sure you like the actual photo not just the posts. Thank you!
Smile in style with Wallisdown Dental Practice LIKE/ FOLLOW THE WALLISDOWN DENTAL PAGE to cliam your discount and continue your journey to smiling with confidence!
#WallsidownDentalPractice #SmileInStyle #WearItGreen #MissDorset #MrDorset #MissEngland #MrEngland #MissWorld #MrWorld #BeTheChange #WeDoEthical #AListBusiness