morningthunder turkeyhunting nwtf turkey outdoors gobbler cantstoptheflop turkeyhunter turkeyseason hunter whatgetsyououtdoors gobblegobble iamsportsman longbeard hunting springturkey springthunder strut taggedout thunderchicken jellyhead wildturkey huntingphoto itsinmynature thestrutstopshere bowhunting photography spurs strutosphere mossyoakgamekeepers
The last one that ever does come to me will call forth the same emotion that the second one did. I will sit there waiting, gun up and heart thundering, and say to myself what I have said on every single occasion since the second one. “I’m glad I lived to see it — one more time.” - Tom Kelly
#morningthunder #mossyoak #passiton #itsanobsession #turkeyhunting #teamcanon #wtr19 #NWTF
Snuck out for the turkey opener yesterday. The area holds a lot of promise and apparently a lot of other hunters and unfortunately, they beat me to the trailhead. I decided to go high and work my way down, hoping they might push some birds to me. No luck with the birds but I did manage to find a fresh moose shed! ⠀
#turkeyopener #morningthunder springturkey #huntidaho #publiclandowner #keepitpublic #moose #mooseshed #shed
Micah left one for me too! @mattaddington
#turkeyhunting2019 #turkeyhunting #turkeyseason #turkeydown #doubleturkey #longbirds #youthturkeyseason #youthhunt #youthturkeyhunt #youthhunting #twolongbeards #longbeard #wheresheroosted #thehuntingpublic #gamehide #primos #primoshunting #browning #nwtf #ItsInMyNature #MorningThunder #jrproteam #jpthunting