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Check out the Freewheel women’s cycling T-shirts and Cycling shorts from @keepapace. Amazing fit and SO functional
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If you've just finished rehabbing an injury, it is probably in your best interest to continue training that body part. Continuing to build capacity can help reduce re-injury and create more resiliency.
When it comes to shoulders, these are some of my favorite exercises to incorporate. The best part about these exercises is that you do not need much equipment or access to a gym, they can be performed at home with a band and foam roller. .
How many sets and reps? Hard to say. Find a challenging volume and intensity then slowly progress from there. Here are the different exercises:
1.) Banded wall clocks
2.) Banded shoulder ER punch outs
3.) Banded shoulder flexion with foam roller
4.) Banded shoulder flexion
✔ Did you recently just finish rehabbing your shoulder? Start training them, these are great variations but they are just the tip of the iceberg. I recommend incorporating some sort of push and pull pattern as well.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM or leave a comment below. Tag a friend that would find these shoulder exercises useful!
If you're looking for a general warm up routine before running or training, this is a good one to incorporate. Keep in mind that we aren't actually creating adaptations in warm ups. The activity itself should be low intensity and low duration in order to get our core temperature up a bit.
One of the easiest ways I was able to start saving time was simplifying the warm up. Write down a few movements every block that I would include in the movement to give myself a little variability.
These aren't any sort of special unknown secrets or exercises, they're just movements that incorporate multiple planes of movement. Here are four that I use in my current warm up:
1.) 90-90 hip transitions
2.) Shin box get up
3.) Reverse lunge with hip flexion
4.) Forward Lunge with rotation
♂️ Warm ups can look like workouts for some people whether they're foam rolling for 20 minutes followed by "activating" every single muscle they're about to use. Introduce some variability, get your temperature up and get ready to perform your activity.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM or leave a comment below. Tag a friend that could use this routine or needs to hear this message because they warm up longer than they work out!
Looking to get the most out of an exercise while training multiple planes? The FMS pros at @aimchirofit have you covered with a lateral crawl, complete with an added core, shoulder and back challenge. #crawling #movewithFMS
#repost @aimchirofit
We perform many of our go-to exercises in the sagittal plane, i.e. front to back. Squats, lunges, deadlifts, pushups, situps, and rows are just a few examples.
BUT. We don't live in just the sagittal plane (unless you only walk forward/backwards without ever turning or moving sideways.
To avoid instability and preventable injuries, it's essential to train in multiple planes.
The frontal plane (side to side movement) is one of the most under trained. It's critical for speed and agility including acceleration/deceleration and change of direction.
➡️Think of foot planting or cutting in soccer and football.
➡️ Or pump fakes in basketball.
Types of frontal plane exercises include monster walks, lateral lunges and my favorite, lateral crawling. Because lateral crawling isn't hard enough, I added a lateral drag for extra core, shoulder, and back engagement.
To perform this move make sure:
➡️ Core is engaged
➡️ Back and neck are neutral
➡️ Knees are slightly lifted
➡️ Drag, don't lift the weight
If you don't have a sandbag, you can use a kettlebell or dumbbell. Make sure to drag and not lift the weight to avoid pressure on the shoulder. Let the lats do the work!
#aimforyourbestyou #aimchirofit #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #functionalmovement #strongfoundation #movementislife #crawling #sandbagworkout
Pain is complex. We often think of pain as something that occurs as a result of something physical in nature. This line of thinking usually leads us to believe that the more pain we are in, the more damage we are sustaining. This is not always completely true because there are other factors that contribute to that experience whether they are thoughts, beliefs, past experiences, social factors, etc.
When we start to experience back pain at our upper back, it's easy to blame posture or "text" neck but it's a bit more complicated than that. Does posture matter? Potentially but we also have to take other things into consideration. You've probably sat with a "terrible" posture for an extended period of time but didn't have pain right?
Think about the moments you are out with friends or maybe going to a sporting event with your buddies. Think about the moments when you are in social settings and surrounded by people who you love to be around, if you did have some discomfort then it probably wasn't as intense…correct?
The big goal is to find out WHEN do you experience this pain. Is it when your crammed with work at the office? Maybe it's not always when you're crammed with work in the office but only the times where you get less <6 hours of sleep. Try to look at the pattern and figure out what you can do to help mitigate some of those factors that flare you up.
✔ In the meantime, I couldn't leave you without any movements to help supplement all of that. Pullovers are some of my favorite ways to get the t-spine moving:
1.) Supine PVC pipe pullover
2.) Deadbug PVC pipe pullover
3.) Supine KB pullover
4.) Deadbug KB pullover
Breathe out nice and slow as you're moving overhead then breathe in as you're bringing it towards your chest. Don't let your ribs flare up. If I'm flashing a light in your lower back, I don't want any light to escape to the other side.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM or leave a comment. Tag a friend that could use this message!
Tardes inspiradoras con @laia_violeta . Vuelve pronto corassao! .
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One of the most popular analogies to use when describing how stress can contribute to pain is the cup analogy. Let's say that all the stressors that we experience up to a given moment are put into a cup(which is you), does it overflow?
If so, then we need to manage it and there are a few ways to go about it. We build a bigger cup by making you more resilient, we modify the load so it doesn't overflow or we do both!
When it comes to knee pain or pain in general, we need to reflect on what happened before, during, and after the event. Most people do not realize that stressors unrelated to physical activities can contribute to pain because there are a cascade of other things happening in the body in response to that stress. We have to take things like sleep quality, work stress, social stress, beliefs, and memories into account as much as your workout and training programs.
Try to jot down whenever you're experiencing pain. Maybe you are able to run five miles but only get pain when you're lacking sleep or having stress at work. Maybe you've simply just done too much one week and never really fully recovered. If you spike your mileage and jump way too quickly then that can overflow your cup as well.
⛷ It's hard to give SPECIFIC advice over the internet but the goal is to give you some hope that some of these problems are manageable with the right strategy.
♂️ When it comes to building a bigger cup, you can always train within your current capacity and bridge some of the gap with a few of these exercises:
1.) Heel raised wall sits
2.) Skate squat isometric holds
3.) Split squat isometric holds
4.) TRX assisted skater squats
A lot of these exercises can be graded towards your capacity so offering things like sets and reps may be doing you a disservice. Train at a comfortable duration or quantity then slowly ramp up from there.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM or leave a comment. Tag a friend that has been having some knee pain and could benefit from this post!
There's a lot of movements that occur in the spine and this is a routine you can incorporate to encapsulate most of them.
A lot of times we are told not to move a certain way with our backs because it can be detrimental but as long as you are progressing yourself slowly then it is perfectly fine. The back is very VERY strong but sometimes, we can feel discomfort and it's completely normal.
Back pain is very common and in most events, these issues will subside themselves. Our job is to make sure that you don't have any other symptoms that could indicate medical attention such as numbness, tingling, inability to control bowel/bladder, fever, etc. These can warrant a visit to a physician or ER depending on severity.
Otherwise, you are probably fine. Lower back pain is common just like the random aches and pains we have in the rest of our body. Can we do anything to help temporarily find relief? Sure. These are some of my favorite spinal mobility drills that you can incorporate with breathing:
1.) Cat camel
2.) Sphinx pose
3.) Lower trunk rotation
4.) Seated thoracic rotation
Breathe in as you are in the starting position and breathe out as you move into the motion. I typically shoot for 2 second inhalation followed by 4 second exhalation but do whatever is comfortable for you.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM or leave a comment below. Tag a friend that could benefit from this message or these drills!
There will be people that say pressing is bad for you whether it's overhead or bench because it puts an "abnormal" stress on your shoulders.
Our body is extremely adaptable but sometimes, we can overdo it. If we're not properly progressing our volume and intensity, we can sometimes get some nagging pains.
Today, we'll be discussing some modifications for bench pressing pain. If you have pain in the front of the shoulder, these are good modifications temporarily since they put your shoulder into less extension.
♂️ This gives us a way to train with less discomfort while building strength. Here are my three favorite modifications for bench pressing pain:
1.) Push-ups
2.) Floor press
3.) Bottoms up press
These exercises are easy to implement and they can be progressed easily but adding weight.
My general rule of thumb is try to train the original exercise that you want to do but with a tolerable range of motion, intensity or volume. Then add in these exercises as a supplement.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM or drop a comment below. Tag a friend that has been having some pain with their pressing movements that could use these modifications!