mpswim aquasphere michaelphelps swim xceed swimming mpteam wearemp aquasphereswim m_phelps00 mpaquasphere mpaquaspherejpn garmin triathlon alwaysintraining boafitcycling boafitsystem fenix5 getdialedin ironman mybest mytriathloninstyle nuotobicicorsa scicon seetheworld smithoptics swimbikeruncate materiaprimasuplementos
Je repars avec le sourire jusqu’aux lèvres, triple champion de France!
Je ne m’attendais pas du tout à nager aussi vite avec ce mois précédent qui était plutôt compliqué pour moi, ce qui prouve que je peux être encore plus fort!
Un record de France sur 800 en 7’46"30 et deux belles perfs sur 1500 et 400 (14’54"42 / 3’47"06)
Merci à mon partenaire MP, vous êtes au top et sans oublier mon partenaire de cœur, le public... du jamais vu auparavant !!!
Clin d’œil à tous ceux qui me soutiennent, vous êtes géniaux !!!!!
RDV à Brives pour les championnats de France d’eau libre où je m’alignerai sur 5 et 10 km
#roadtogwangju2019 #aquasphere #MPswim #MPteam
@ffnatation @stephanekempinaire
Chiedimi se sono felice...soprattutto quando sono in piscina con l'attrezzatura giusta.
#MPswim #MPtrain #WeAreMP #swimmingpool #swimsuit #swim #swimmer #swimmerlife #swimmers #athlete #sport #swimsport #training #nuoto #atleti #nuotoitaliano #nuotoallenamento #nuotounostiledivita #nuotare
Quando o @kaioalmeidaoficial atualizou o conceito de brutalidade no nado submerso, mostrando como que faz. 23"18 saindo de baixo. Streamline fantástico. #chadecloro #pimentaswim #tatodomundotreinando #timefelipemaia #natação #natacaomaster #swimmer #swim #swimmaster #swimchannel #butterflyswimming #streamline #arenawaterinstinct #hammerhead #speedo #tyrswimming #vadox #mpswim #fioresports #mizunoswim #waterworld #underwater #nqsf #nutricaoesportiva #faststart #semfingimento #brutimais
#Repost @kaioalmeidaoficial (@get_repost)
Desafio 50m submerso para tempo! 23.18 ! Valeu pela iniciativa @swimchannel! leoaschilling kaue_carvalhoo Desafio cumprido hein! Aproveitando para desafiar os nadadores que adoram fazer submerso ! Desafio meus amigos g_mangaba , edu_fischer e diogoyabe ! Valeu pela força @minasnatacao @arena.bra !
Medaglia d’oro nei 200 rana per @pizz.84 {2.10.17} Non ci scoraggiamo e continuiamo a lottare per le qualificazione ai Mondiali di Gwangju, giusto?
@fabioswim @corsia4_nuotomagazine
#MPswim #riccione2019 #assoluti2019 #assolutiriccione2019
#swimmingpool #swimsuit #swim #swimmer #swimmerlife #swimmers #athlete #sport #swimsport #training #nuoto #atleti #nuotoitaliano #nuotoallenamento #nuotounostiledivita #nuotare #riccione
Dopo la messa in sella, primo test sulla mia Canyon Speedmax in autodromo. Che bomba di bici ragazzi! Non volevo più scendere e non vedo l’ora di risalirci. Che sensazione spingere sui pedali e sentire come prende velocità. Sono già innamorata After the bike fit, the first test of my Canyon Speedmax in the Monza Circuit! Such a bike guys! I would never stop and I cannot wait to ride it again. Such an emotion when you push and you are so fast! I’m definitely in love with her
Bike: Canyon Speedmax @canyon po.stSpeedmaxMTS
Bike Kit: @gsg_cycling_wear
Bike shoes: @boafitsystem / @boafitcycling
Helmet and glasses: @smithoptics
#mytriathloninstyle #swimbikerunCate #rideinstyle #MyCanyon #CanyonSpeedmax #SwimCanyonRun #monzaenicircuit #smithoptics #BoaFitSystem #BoaFitCycling #GetDialedIn #scicon #seetheworld #aquasphere #MPswim #garmin #fenix5 #mybest #run #autodromomonza #triatleta #triatlete #nuotobicicorsa #triathlon #wearetriathlon #triathlongirl #GSGCyclingwear #challengeyourlimits #ironman #girlpower
I can’t tell you how proud I am of this little kiddo. This happened just a few weeks after he turned 5 years old and after only 4 short swim lessons (where he attempted backstroke, breast stroke, freestyle and buttterfly and often got them all jumbled up doing the arms for one stroke with the legs of another stroke).... Then it all just clicked and he surprised us with THIS! I have never been able to do the butterfly and this guy got it after maybe 20 minutes total spread over one month. I’m telling’ ya- he’s part fish! #futureolympian
@m_phelps00 @usaswimming
Voilà, la barre des 15 minutes est cassée, deux fois en plus !!!!
Et en prime, une qualification aux championnats du Monde sur 1500 Nl
Champion de France ♂️
Belle victoire, vous trouvez pas
Que demander de mieux...
Merci à tous ceux qui m’ont soutenu et qui ont cru en moi mais c’est pas fini! Je vous attends tous vendredi pour m’encourager sur les séries du 800 Nl je compte sur vous !!
#soulagé #frenchchampionship #roadtogwangju2019
#fiersdetremarlins #aquasphere #MPswim
@3mucnatation @ffnatation @stephanekempinaire