mrsmasonselajar growinggreatreaders growingreadersoneatatime readingaccountability nmsspringbc studentselectedbooks book2film aboveandbeyond mychoice iteachmiddleschool peerrec since2010 iteachmiddleschoolenglish iteachenglish levelupinela lifeskillsinela teachersofinstagram abovea happyteacher leveledupinela nmsfallbc studentselectedbooks
Larry Ortega wanted to show support for his class and read a #mychoice book for the #nmsspringbc ! He said, “I like how much Sam helped Davey with food and supplies, when he was out in the swamp! The end was good too when Davey finally got a home!” #mrsmasonselajar #readingaccountability #growinggreatreaders #growingreadersoneatatime #studentselectedbooks
Diego Fuentes was determined to finish the #nmsspringbc and HE DID IT after reading a #book2film title (a popular title at the moment)! He said, “I can connect to this book in my real life because of when it snowed in Rosenberg!” #mrsmasonselajar #readingaccountability #growinggreatreaders #growingreadersoneatatime #studentselectedbooks
Iran Zapata completed a hefty book for her #mychoice selection. She liked how Edward didn’t want Bella to become a vampire ♀️. I didn’t like that Bella was pushing Edward to make her a vampire anyway! #mrsmasonselajar #nmsspringbc #readingaccountability #growinggreatreaders #growingreadersoneatatime #studentselectedbooks
Allison Vasquez has gotten hooked on these 39 Clues books. She finished both for the #aboveandbeyond category and likes this series because the books are filled with adventure and mystery #mrsmasonselajar #nmsspringbc #readingaccountability #growinggreatreaders #growingreadersoneatatime #studentselectedbooks