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Хештеги на тему #MURSES

STAY POSITIVE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY” I can go on for several days if I’m to say why I chose to do this. I’m not only privileged to provide professional care to people but I’m also inspired by the journey and process. In every step of the way, I’ve learnt something new and something I didn’t know about myself. No matter the circumstances you’re going through right now, choose to see the positive end to it. Don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t stop believing in yourself, don’t stop trying to achieve. Choose to inspire and be inspired. ———————————————————————— #inspiredlife #beinspired #doctors #nurses #murses #dentists #doctorsofinstagram #nursesofinstagram #mursesofinstagram #fitblackmen #choosejoy

Хештеги на тему #MURSES

First we drink the coffee, then we save the lives . . . . . #wearfigs #nurse #nursing #murses #murse #nurses #nurseswholift #nurselife #nurseonduty #babesinscrubs #powerhousenurses #nursesofinstagram #enfermagem #enfermeria #enfermera #enfermeiro #healthcare #menandcoffee #rn #bsn #aprn #icu #er #ernurse #stethoscope #starbucks #nursingstudent #nursingschool #fitnurse #instanurse

Хештеги на тему #MURSES

Today's hospital placement was in the HDU/ICU. I saw a range of patients with all sorts of conditions from liver and kidney failure to subdural haemorrhage and faecal peritonitis, a quadraplegic following a cervical fracture, and brain hypoxia following a MI (it was a busy day). ⁣ ⁣ It was quite difficult seeing some patients and talking about their management as sometimes the prognosis was extremely poor, but I guess medicine isn't always pretty. I even visited the morgue with an F1 to identify the body of a patient who had passed away yesterday and today an ethical decision was made to withdraw treatment from a patient as a result of his deteriorating state despite all attempts to improve him.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I'm continually grateful for the doctors I shadow which are so willing to teach and really take me under their wing. My hospital placements are infinitely more valuable because of them and I hope to return the favour to future medical students when I'm an F1.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ A bit of a more serious post today but I want to share both the amazing highs of medicine and also the more difficult parts. I think it's important to be aware of both when deciding to embark on this career. ⁣⁣ ⁣ I hope you're having a wonderful day

Хештеги на тему #MURSES

To those who say we shouldn’t, I say: we must. To those who say we can’t, I say: watch us. To male nurses everywhere, you’re simply awesome. Here’s to breaking down barriers and doing the stuff that matters, no matter what! #murse #stigmafree

Хештеги на тему #MURSES

It has been a long journey, but if you dream and have the ambition and want to work hard, then you can achieve. There's no elevators to success. You have to take the stairs #chargenurse ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #rn #book #books #nurse #medstudent #nurses #medschool #futuremd #nursepractitioner #md #lifeofanurse #workingwomen #nursingstudent #workingwoman #nursing #bsn #murses #nurselife #nursebae #registerednurse #mcat #class #medical #futuredoctor #rntomd #medicalschool #rnschool #hospital #medicine

Хештеги на тему #MURSES

If you are a NURSE who has a sense of humor FOLLOW--->@Nurse_Conversations ⚠ LIKE & SHARE any post you like! ✅ Tag Your #Nurse Friends #nurses #nursing #nursingschool #nursingstudent #nursehumor #medicalschool #medschool #murse #nursesrock #nurselife #nurseproblems #nurseonduty #nursingschoolproblems #nursinglife #nightnurse #registerednurse #ilovenurses #nursememe #nursesbelike #nursinglife #nursehumortees #lifeofanurse #murses #nurseshelpingnurses #nursepractitoner #nursesofinstagram #murselife #NursesWeek #NurseConversations

Хештеги на тему #MURSES

Agree? Tag your friends below - Source @nursidosis - DOUBLE TAP pic TAG your friends DM your Pics/Vids Check My IG Stories Check the link in Bio @nurseareawesome Follow us @nurseareawesome - - - #nurses #nurseslife #medschoollife #murses #nurselife #cnalife #nursepractitioner #nursestudent #ilovenurses #nursesonduty #nursingschool #cutenurse #cnaclass #lpn #cna #rnlife #rnlife #nursesday #cnastudent #lpnschool #lpnstudent #rnschool #ilovenursing #rnstudents #registerednurse

Хештеги на тему #MURSES

Mass casualty....yea...winter is coming. . . . . . #got #winteriscoming #gameofthrones #rn #icu #icunurse #bsn #nurse #nurselife #murse #murses #wearfigs #travelnurse #litmannstethoscope #studentnurse #nursesofinstagram #nursestudent #nursehumor #scrubs #health #medicine #medical #healthcare #hospital #nursesrock #cna #nursepractitioner #crna #doctor #nursingschool

Хештеги на тему #MURSES

If you are a NURSE who has a sense of humor FOLLOW--->@Nurse_Conversations ⚠ LIKE & SHARE any post you like! ✅ Tag Your #Nurse Friends #nurses #nursing #nursingschool #nursingstudent #nursehumor #medicalschool #medschool #murse #nursesrock #nurselife #nurseproblems #nurseonduty #nursingschoolproblems #nursinglife #nightnurse #registerednurse #ilovenurses #nursememe #nursesbelike #nursinglife #nursehumortees #lifeofanurse #murses #nurseshelpingnurses #nursepractitoner #nursesofinstagram #murselife #NursesWeek #NurseConversations

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